
Delegation of Financial Power to Release States Matching Share

Finance, , ,

The Administrative Departments may ensure before releasing any fund on these accounts that the previous released amounts have been substantially utilized, so that the moneys do not remain idle in the bank accounts.

Finance Department
Budget Branch

No. 621-F.B. Dated: 01.08.2013


The undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to say that in the interest of public service and for expeditious implementation of the Centrally Sponsored/ Central Sector/ Centrally Assisted State Plan schemes, Governor has been pleased to empower the Additional Chief Secretary/Principal Secretary/ Secretary of (1) Agriculture Department (2) Food & Supplies Department (3) Health & Family Welfare Department (4) Minority Affairs and Madrasah Education Department (5) Municipal Affairs Department (6) Panchayats & Rural Development Department (7) Urban Development Department (8) Public Health Engineering Department (9) Women and Social Welfare Department (10) Agricultural Marketing Department (11) Forests Department (12) Irrigation & Waterways Department (13) School Education Department (14) Water Resources Investigation & Development Department (15) Child Development Department to release States matching share as well as Central Share up to current year’s budget provision, subject to the following conditions:

1. The Administrative Departments will be required to take a written confirmation direct from the Finance Department, Budget Branch (Group-N) that the Central Share has been credited to the State Exchequer.

Wherever the Administrative Department receives funds direct from the respective Ministries of Government of India, such as under SSA, NRHM, NREGA etc., written confirmation from Finance Department would not be required for release of State Share up to the Budget provision.

2. The Administrative Department will ensure release of fund as per requirement of the specific schemes and exercise all necessary precautions to ensure the effective utilization of such project funds within overall budget provision and also that the budgetary allocations are not exceeded in any manner.

3. The Administrative Departments may ensure before releasing any fund on these accounts that the previous released amounts have been substantially utilized, so that the moneys do not remain idle in the bank accounts.

4. The Administrative Departments will have to approach the Finance Department in case of releases beyond the budgetary allocation or in case of advance release of State share where Central share has not been received in schemes where the state share is required to be released in advance.

5. Processing for release of fund will not be done in the Finance Department, hence Additional Chief Secretary/Principal Secretary/ Secretary of the Administrative Departments are advised to be extra careful in view of the increased responsibilities. The Administrative Department will in fact be combining the role of Finance Department to that extent.

6. It may be ensured that expenditures are made on approved items as per approved project/scheme and also to be careful that expenditures are not incurred on inadmissible items against which Central share will not be available.

7. It may be ensured that releases are made only for the administratively approved projects. Thus Administrative approvals will be needed for new scheme as per the existing procedure.

8. West Bengal Financial rules including tender rules are to be strictly observed and for any deviations concurrence of Finance Department will be necessary.

9. The Administrative Department shall ensure that the releases are uploaded immediately on the Website of the Finance Department. (www.wbfin.nic.in).

10. Administrative Departments will submit monthly reports on the releases made during the month by the 7th Day of the following month to the Finance (Budget) Department. This is extremely important for management of fund flows of the State Government. Format is enclosed herewith.

This order will take effect from 01.07.2013 and will remain valid upto 31.03.2014.

Sd/- S. Datta
OSD & EO Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 621-FB dated 01.08.2013, Source