

The functions of the Finance Department are performed through 5 (five) branches, namely, Audit, Budget, Revenue, Internal Audit and Institutional Finance.

Durga Puja Holidays in West Bengal, 2012

Governor is pleased to declare October 26, 2012 as a public holiday in connection with Durga Puja festival for the employees employed in the offices under the Govt. of West Bengal, including all Statutory Bodies, Undertakings, Corporations, Local Bodies and Educational Institutions etc.

Group Insurance Scheme 1987 – Table of Benefits, 2012-13

A new table of benefits showing accumulations in the savings fund under the GI 1987 corresponding to a unit subscription of Rs. 10/- only per month has been drawn up for the period from 01.11.2012 to 31.10.2013.

Government Receipt Portal System [GRIPS]

On-line and Off-line Receipts of Tax and Non-Tax Revenue through Government Receipt Portal System [GRIPS] in electronic mode and incorporation in the e-Treasury through Reserve Bank of India, PAD, Kolkata.

Clarifications of Purchase Policy – Engagement of Agency

Clarifications of Purchase Policy regarding engagement of Agency under Rule 47D of Finance Departments Notification No. 5400-F(Y) dated 25.6.2012.

Revision of Scales to the Sub-ordinate Labour Services

On the basis of unrevised pay in the unrevised pay scale under W.B.S. (ROPA) Rules, 1990, pay is to be fixed in the revised scale as is allowed vice Finance Department Memo No. 2540-F(P) dated 05.04.2010.

Modification of Promotional Fixation for Identical Scale of Pay

Due to loss of pay occurred in some cases after fixation in terms of the said Memo and due to non-availability of promotional fixation for identical scale of pay, the question of review of the same has been under consideration of the Government.

Grant of Tiffin Allowance to Orderlies and Office Peons

Tiffin Allowance at the rate of Rs. 15/- per day may be granted to orderlies and peons attached to the officers in the rank of Joint Secretary and above in the Secretariat Departments who are required by their officers to stay in office beyond 6.30 p.m.

Washing/ Kit Maintenance Allowance

All categories of employees who are required to put on liveries while on duty, will get washing charge at the rate of Rs. 50/- per month provided it is duly certified by the Head of office that the concerned employees are actually wearing liveries regularly while on duty.

Sundarban Allowance and Risk/ Hazard Allowance

State Government employees for posting in the Sundarban Areas will get Sundarban Allowance and Risk/ Hazard Allowance at the rate of Rs. 100/- p.m. and Rs. 250/-p.m. respectively.

Special Allowance for Protocol Duties by Secretariat Assistants

Additional remuneration shall be payable to those Secretariat Assistants who perform such protocol duties in addition to their normal duties frequently and on a regular basis.

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