
Allotment of Fund for Creation of Employees Database

Finance, 👁️ 152

The Collector will sub-allot the fund to the Sub-Divisional Officers for payment of the charges to the vendors implementing COSA package in the offices of the DDO.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata- 700 001

No. 513-F(Y), Dated: 17.01.2013.


Sub: Allotment of Fund under the Major Head ‘3454’ for the year 2012-2013 for the creation of employees database.

Thirteenth Finance Commission advised the State Government to create centralized pensioners and employees database including the employees whose salary are paid from Grants-in-Aid by the State Government on regular basis under the financial assistance from Government of India, with a view to establish proper financial management. For the purpose of creation of the Employees’ Database, this Department vide Memorandum No. 1829-F(Y) dated 01.03.2012 directed all the Head of Offices/ Drawing & Disbursing Officers [DDOs] that the Salary Bills including Grant-in-Aid Salary Bills of the employees should be prepared only through COSA software package developed by National Informatics Centre [NIC].

Now, in terms of Finance Department Memo No. 1829-F(Y) dated 01.03.2012 read with Memo No. 10001-F(Y) dated 07.12.2012, sanction is hereby accorded for incurring expenditure in connection with the charges required to be paid to the vendors towards implementation of COSA application package in the offices of the Drawing and Disbursing Officers located in different Districts.

For the purpose, the fund amounting to Rs. 2,47,50,000/- (Rupees two crore forty seven lakh fifty thousand only) is hereby allotted at the disposal of the Collectors of the Districts/ Director of Treasuries & Accounts, Govt. of West Bengal as per Annexure-I enclosed. The Collector will sub-allot the fund to the Sub-Divisional Officers for payment of the charges to the vendors implementing COSA package in the offices of the Drawing and Disbursing Officers linked with the concerned Sub-Divisional Treasuries.

The payment of the outstanding bills of the selected vendors shall be made from the (a) Office of the District Magistrates in case of District Headquarters, (b) Office of the Sub-Divisional Officers in case of Sub-Divisions and (c) Office of the Directorate of Treasuries & Accounts, West Bengal in case of Kolkata on the basis of (i) ‘Work-Order’, (ii) ‘Satisfactory Work Completion Certificate’, (iii) Certificate regarding correctness of the Bill in respect of ‘Work Order’ & rate and (iv) ‘Non-Payment Certificate’ issued by the concerned Head of Office/DDO, The Drawing & Disbursing Officers/Head of Office shall submit the related documents as stated above to the concerned District Magistrate, Sub-Divisional Officer or Director of Treasuries & Accounts, as the case may be, through an official forwarding letter.

The charge is to be debited to the Head of Account ‘3454 -Census, Surveys and Statistics- 02-Surveys and Statistics-112-Economic Advice and Statistics-NP-Non-Plan-002-Setting up of Employees and Pensioners Database under the recommendation of the 13th Finance Commission (13th FC)-V-Voted – 50 – Other Charges’ in the current year under Demand No. 18.

The modalities/ procedures as laid down in Finance Department Memo. No. 10001-F(Y) dated 07.12.2012 (copy enclosed) shall be strictly followed.

This Order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department Group-‘N’ vide their U.O. No. 1995 dated 15.01.2013.

Sd/- S. Pal
Joint Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal

No. 513-F dated 17.01.2013