Annual Examination of Class XI (New Syllabus), 2018 will be held from 27.03.2018. All Practical Examinations will be held between 06.04.2018 to 21.04.2018.
Examination will be held in only one paper on each day from 10.00 a.m. to 1.15 p.m. (3 hours and 15 minutes time is allotted both for reading question paper and writing answer).
Online application for PPS (Post Publication Scrutiny) and PPR (Post Publication Review) of Higher Secondary Examination, 2017 will be accepted upto 14.06.2017.
Results of Higher Secondary Examination, 2017 will be published on 30.05.2017, TUSEDAY at 10 a.m. through a Press Conference to be held at Rabindra Milan Mancha, 7th floor.
The students are advised to visit to download renewal form and submit the same positively by 31.05.2017.
Rules of Management of Recognized Independent Higher Secondary Institutions, 1996 is made as per Section 40 of the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education Act, 1975.
Answer scripts/ note books of project papers of candidates of Higher Secondary Examination, 2017 will be submitted to the selected venues on April 07 and 08, 2017.
Head Examiner (Theory Papers) 18 days, (a) Practical Head Examiner 7 days, (b) Examiners ( Theory Papers) 5 days, Scrutineers 9 days, DAC 15 days, Council Nominees 11 days.
Institutions where both Higher Secondary Examination, 2017 and Class XI Annual Examination will be held, other classes will be suspended for the days of examination.
Question Papers for Practical paper of Class XI Annual Examination, 2017 will be distributed by West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Examination from March 30 to April 05, 2017.
Fees to be deposited at the time of submission of books – Rs. 7,000/- only per book in favour of West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education payable at Kolkata.
Handbook on concepts, MCQ questions with solutions on Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biological Science published by West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education.