Annual Examination of Class XI (New Syllabus), 2017 will be held from 15.03.2017. All Practical Examinations will be held between 06.04.2017 to 22.04.2017.
Free Books will be handed over to the Head of the Institution or his/her authorized representative confirming the subject-wise student strength.
Online application for PPS (Post Publication Scrutiny) and PPR (Post Publication Review) of Higher Secondary Examination will be accepted upto 30.05.2016.
All the heads of Higher Secondary Institutions are requested to collect HS mark-sheets, certificates and other documents from their respective Distribution Camp on 16.05.2016.
Results of Higher Secondary Examination, 2016 will be published on 16th May, 2016 at 10 AM. Mark-sheets, Certificates etc. will be distributed through 60 nos. Camp of WBCHSE.
All Heads of HS institutions, Head Examiners, Examiners and Scrutineers are requested to note the break up of ON DUTY for Higher Secondary Examination, 2016.
It is to inform all Heads of H.S. Institutions that, Answer scripts/ note books in Project Papers of non-lab-based subjects will be received on 16, 17, 18 March, 2016 at camps.
District-wise/ Centre-wise Seat Allotment List of ensuing Higher Secondary Examination, 2016 may be obtained from the Convenor/ Jt. Convenor of each District Advisory Committee.
CAMP on 20.01.2016 for distribution of Registration Certificate/ Admit Card for the Higher Secondary Examination, 2016/ Practical question paper for Class XI Annual Examination, 2016.
Detailed Syllabus (Bengali Medium) of Class XI and XII (H.S.) published by West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education for Arts, Commerce and Science stream.
Books on elective subjects and subjects under Core curriculum will be accepted for allotment of TB Nos. The portions in the syllabus of Council deviating from the Core Curriculum should be dealt with special attention.
For those who passed in 2015 the Madhyamik, the Higher Secondary or the Degree (Pass or Honours) Examination and got themselves admitted in the same year in the next higher course with Hindi as one of its subjects.