Irrigation and Waterways
Development and regulation of the State’s inland water resources (mainly surface) with the object of preventing and controlling floods and water logging.
Development and regulation of the State’s inland water resources (mainly surface) with the object of preventing and controlling floods and water logging.
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to deal with Court Cases involving Land Acquisition/ utilisation matters under Irrigation & Waterways Department, Government of West Bengal.
A number of proposals for awarding different service benefits to the employees of the Government of West Bengal and reorganizing the cadre of different Services of Government of West Bengal through creation of some posts were under consideration of the Government for sometime past.
This Unified Schedule of Rates is brought into effect from 19.01.2018 for all works under the Irrigation and Waterways Department, Govt. of West Bengal in supersession to all existing Schedule of Rates.
Some minor modification in respect of work load and territorial jurisdiction of working Divisions of Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) wing, was felt necessary to reduce overlapping of jurisdiction among working Divisions.
All the Brief referral advertisements for e-tenders of different offices under the control of Irrigation & Waterways Dept. shall be published in the newspapers centrally through the office of the Executive Engineer, DVC Study Cell.
State Technical Committee of West Bengal Flood Control Board is renamed as, State Technical Advisory Committee.
Governor has been pleased, in the interest of public service, to restructure and reorganize the Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) Wing of the Irrigation & Waterways Department (IWD), to ensure equitable distribution of workload.
Applications are being received from Private Persons/ entities, for allowing them to construct bridges/ culverts over rivers/ drainage channels/ irrigation canals for establishing a convenient and alternative access to residential premises, industrial set ups etc., at their own cost.
Detailed guidelines on standardization of riverbank protection and coastal protection works for different districts of the State of West Bengal, clustered in five zones.
Restoration of damages through usual process by e-tender in compliance of West Bengal Financial Rules since amended in terms of Finance Department No. 5400-F dated 25.06.2012 frustrates the very purpose of emergency.
It is mandatory to publish all NIT/ e-NIT/ e-NIQ in the centralised e-tender portal and also on Departmental website
Any user desiring to sink a well for any purpose, excepting tubewell fitted with hand-pump or a well from which extraction or use made without the help of any mechanical or electrical device, shall make an application.