Publication of Referral Advertisement for e-Tenders of Irrigation and Waterways

Government of West Bengal
Irrigation & Waterways Department
Jalasampad Bhavan, 3rd floor, Salt lake, Kol-91

No. 268-IB/IW-14011(33)/1/2019-Section (IW)-Dept of IW-Part(2) Dated: 14.12.2020


The State Finance Department has issued a guideline vide memorandum no. 1234-F(Y) dated 12.03.2020 for issuance of Brief referral advertisements for e-tenders in at least one or two or three daily newspapers as per the amount put to tender and also in compliance to the guidelines laid down in related Government Orders. Similarly, the state Finance Department has also issued a guideline for centralized payment of all unpaid bills by a nodal officer at the Department relating to publication of brief referral advertisements in respect of all e-tenders of subordinate offices in newspapers.

  1. It is stated in the aforesaid memorandum that in order to ensure better compliance of the guidelines, publication of brief referral advertisements in respect of all e-tenders to be floated by the Government offices shall be done centrally by the concerned Administrative Department.
  2. Subsequently, the Department of Information & Cultural Affairs, Government of West Bengal has stated in their memo no. 1651/ACS/ICA dated 22.06.2020 (copy enclosed) that all Brief referral advertisements for e-tenders are to be sent to Director of Information of I&CA Department by a nodal officer of any Department for publication in newspapers after collecting the drafts of such advertisements from different sub ordinate offices under the control of that Administrative Department in the manner and timeline stated in the Finance Department’s memorandum no. 1234-F(Y) dated 12.03.2020 and also abiding by the procedure laid down in the order no. 1464/Pr.S/ICA/17 dated 10.03.2017 of the Chief Secretary to the Government of West Bengal (copy enclosed). The Department of Information & Cultural Affairs, Government of West Bengal has also stated vide their notification no. 2031-ICA(N)/17012(11)/1/2020 dated 15.09.2020 that henceforth publication bills in connection with above stated advertisements related to tenders/quotations will be paid centrally to the concerned media houses by the I&CA Department.
  3. Now, in order to comply the guidelines stated in the above stated memorandums/ notifications of the Finance Department and I & CA Department, it is hereby notified that henceforth all the Brief referral advertisements for e-tenders of different offices under the control of Irrigation & Waterways Department, Government of West Bengal, other than that for externally aided projects shall be published in the newspapers centrally through the office of the Executive Engineer, DVC Study Cell who is also the Nodal officer of E-governance & E-tender of I & W Department observing the procedure stated in the Finance Department’s Memorandum no. 1234-F(Y) dated 12.03.2020 and No. 2391-F(Y) dated 10.08.2020 and their corrigendum/ addendum/ modification issued time to time.
  4. All the TIAs of Irrigation & Waterways Department will e-mail the drat Brief referral Advertisement of e-tender to the Executive Engineer, DVC Study Cell and the Nodal officer of E-governance & E-tender of I & W Department at a dedicated e-mail address to be created and communicated to all concerned by the Executive Engineer, DVC Study Cell and the Nodal officer of E-governance & E-tender of I&W Department. Such e-mails should be sent at least 4 working days ahead of the date of publication. Executive Engineer, DVC Study Cell and the Nodal officer of E-governance & E-tender of I & W Department will in turn send the Brief referral Advertisement of e-tender latest by the next working day through e-mail to the Director of Information, Information & Cultural Affairs Department, Government of West Bengal for publication in newspapers. On receiving a confirmation from the I & CA Department through e-mail for publication of such advertisements in news papers the same will be sent by the Executive Engineer, DVC Study Cell and the Nodal officer of E-governance & E-tender to the concerned offices of the Department. The I & CA Department will centrally make the requisite payments to the concerned media houses for publication of the above stated Brief referral advertisements for e-tenders in newspapers.

The order will take immediate effect.

Sd/- Gautam Chattopadhyay
Secretary to the
Govt. of West Bengal

Enclo- as stated

No. 268-IB dated 14.12.2020, Source

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