

Labour Department is dedicated to the cause of the toiling masses, and for providing them better standard of living through various laws and schemes implemented by different wings under its control.

Appeal to Employers for Payment of Bonus/ Ex-Gratia

Government expects that the employers in the unorganized sectors shall also pay bonus/ex-gratia to their workers before commencement of Durga Puja, 2017.

West Bengal Unorganized Sector Workers Welfare Rules, 2008

The officer authorized by the Board shall register the name of the worker as a beneficiary under any scheme under the Act, if such applicant workman has complied with all the requirements as laid down in these rules and shall issue an Identity card.

West Bengal Unorganised Sector Workers’ Welfare Act, 2007

An Act to provide for social security and welfare of certain unorganised sector workers and to provide other measures connected therewith or incidental thereto.

Rates of Daily Wages of Daily-Rated Workers, 2016

Rates of daily wages of daily-rated workers under the Government whose wages are not regulated by any of the Statutory provisions like the Minimum Wages Act, etc. for 2016.

Scheme of Provident Fund for Unorganized Workers

A scheme in the name of State Assisted Scheme of Provident Fund for Unorganized Workers (SASPFUW) was introduced by Labour Department in 2001.

Compassionate Appointment: Revised Provision

Governor is pleased to revise the provisions of existing guidelines to dispose of the cases of compassionate appointment in a just and equitable manner.

Scheme for Skill Development for the Registered Job-seekers

Providing training for registered job-seekers through selected Institutions, certification thereof and disbursement of subsidy for such training programmes upto a maximum amount of Rs. 5000/- or 50% of the course fee whichever is less.

National Career Service Portal – A Job Matching Service

Job seekers, job providers can register at National Career Service Portal ). The portal provides job matching, career counselling content, Local services etc.

Employment on Compassionate Ground – Checklist

If any application for Employment is made in plain paper, the applicant will be requested/ supplied the Prescribed Proforma for making the application.

West Bengal Labour Welfare Fund Rules, 1976

Employer of every establishment shall pay to Welfare Commissioner the employer’s contribution and the employee’s contribution before 15th January and 15th July every year.

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