Public Works Department provides infrastructural support for both original and repair works to all the departments directly under the Govt. of West Bengal.
Governor is pleased to decide that all existing staff members of work charged establishments under State Government establishments will be included under West Bengal Health Scheme.
A permanent recruitment committee is being set up to conduct the examination process for appointment to Group-C posts under die-in harness category in Public Works Department.
There should normally be no post tender negotiations. If at all negotiations are warranted under exceptional circumstances, then it can be with L1, (Lowest tenderer) only.
Installation of Mobile Tower on top of various Government buildings to improve Mobile Connectivity and provision of IBS for boosting the network coverage inside the buildings.
Interest on borrowed capital for House Building Advance would be on the basis of accrual of interest which would start running from the date of drawal of the advance.
For repair and maintenance nature of bituminous road work or combination thereof the Defect Liability period should be considered as one year.
Urban Development Department had requested PWD for waiving of vetting fee for checking of Plans, Estimates, tender papers, etc. as they are fully funded by State Government.
Various Government departments are coming up with proposal for waiving of vetting fee for checking of plans, estimates, tender papers etc. framed by agencies other than PWD.
At the time of check in, applicant is required to produce an identity proof for subsequent entry of the same in the Register maintained by the Care taker.
Formats of Certificates to be issued after completion of original works by different level Engineer Officers of Public Works Department before release of payments.