Certificate in Professional Development Programme for Elementary Teachers (6 month D El Ed Bridge Course) for Primary School Teachers with B Ed.
Part – II Final Examination, 2017 of D.El.Ed. Course (Regular/ Face to Face mode) for the session 2015-2017 will commence on and from 14th December, 2017.
Persons enrolled in NCTE/RCI Recognized Institutions and pursuing Elementary Teacher Training Courses may apply for TET on and from 15/11/2017 to 30/11/2017.
Untrained elementary teachers, who have registered themselves into the D.El.Ed. Course should mandatorily register into SWAYAM Portal within 15.11.2017.
Online application for Teacher Eligibility Test (TET), 2017 (Primary) for Classes I-V will commence from 10.10.2017 to 29.10.2017 at www.wbbpe.org and www.wbsed.gov.in
Guidelines for handing over the Mark sheets and Certificates to the in-service Primary School Teachers who have not upgraded their Minimum Entry Qualifications.
Para Teachers/ Primary Teachers who could not register for the D.El.Ed. Course of 2015-2017 should be instructed to register for the D.El.Ed. Course within 30.09.17.
Dearness Allowance to the whole time approved and regular teaching and non-teaching employees of DA getting schools, Anglo Indian Schools and Pandits of Sanskrit Tols wef 01.01.2017.
Dearness Allowance to the whole time approved and regular teaching and non-teaching employees of DA getting schools and DA getting Anglo Indian Schools w.e.f. 01.01.2017.
Equivalence to Graduation Certificate issued from The Indian Army/Navy/Air Force and requisite Qualification to In-service teachers belonging to Ex-Servicemen category.
HOI are authorized to fill up vacant seats on first come first serve basis by the eligible intending candidates and upload the testimonials within 11.09.2017.
Rs. 4500/- as D.El.Ed Course Fee and Rs. 1500/- for procurement of individual Dish TV Set top box for observing Channel-32 SWAYAM PRABHA 24X7.