
School Education

To ensure universalization of Primary, Elementary, Secondary and Higher Secondary Education and to ensure quality education for Human Resource Development.

Registration Fees for D. El. Ed. Course, 2017-2019

All the heads of the DIETs/ Govt./ Govt. Sponsored/ Govt. Aided PTTIs are hereby requested to deposit @ Rs 600/- (Rupees Six Hundred) only as Registration Fees per valid admitted student of D. El. Ed. Course for the Session – 2017-2019.

School Education Scenario in West Bengal

A. Basic Total Literacy Rate (%) 70.16 Male Literacy Rate (%) 79.89 Female Literacy Rate (%) 59.73 B. Pre Schooling Population (3 to 4+ Years) 365853 Anganwadi (ICDS) Centres 4836 Anganwadi Workers 4758 Anganwadi Helpers 4655 Children Enrolled (3 to 6 Years) 268347 Children Enrolled (3 to 4+ Years) 125025 Children Out of ICDS centers […]

Admit Cards of D.El.Ed. Part-II Examination, 2016-18

Handing over of Admit Cards of D. El. Ed. Part-II Examination 2016-2018 (Theoretical) to the Heads of the respective D. El. Ed. Institutes will be made in between 14th December, 2018 and 15th December, 2018.
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