School Education
To ensure universalization of Primary, Elementary, Secondary and Higher Secondary Education and to ensure quality education for Human Resource Development.
To ensure universalization of Primary, Elementary, Secondary and Higher Secondary Education and to ensure quality education for Human Resource Development.
NOTIFICATION for Recruitment of TET qualified trained candidates to the posts of Assistant Teacher in Govt. Aided/ Govt. Sponsored/ Junior Basic Primary Schools, 2023.
Conduction of Teacher Eligibility Test-2022 (TET-2022) for Classes I-V by West Bengal Board of Primary Education as per the NCTE Guidelines issued by NCTE from time to time and in accordance with law.
Governor is pleased to state that operation of online processing or application of transfer through Utsashree Portal is hereby temporarily suspended under special circumstances upto 31.12.2022, or until further order.
(2A) Although the online application for the transfer in the designated portal is allowed under rule 4, however applications under clause (e) of rule 4 shall be considered twice in an academic year i.e. summer and winter vacation of school, as the case may be, so that academic interest of the students are not hampered:
This is to notify for all concerned that the D. El. Ed Part-II External theoretical Examinations, conducted by this Board, will be held offline in the month of November, 2022 as per the programme schedule given below:
The Scrutiny/ Verification process and Viva-voce/ Aptitude Test will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 05:00 pm on 19.09.2022 (Monday) at Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan, DK-7/1, Salt Lake, Sector-II, Kolkata – 91.
Marksheets (hard copies) of the Part-II – D.EI.Ed. Examination for the Session 2019-2021 will be handed over to the heads of DIETs, Government, Government Sponsored, and Government Aided PTT Institutes from the office of the West Bengal Board of Primary Education between 22nd September, 2022 and 26th September, 2022 during office hours.
National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship Examination, 2022 (for the student studying in class VIII) will be held at different centres of West Bengal on 18.12.2022.
You are advised not to conduct any examination in your school on 6th September, 2022 . In case, if such examination is already scheduled, then all concerned are advised to postpone the same.
Notification in Respect of the TET qualified and D.El.Ed passed candidates of the session 2019-2021 for issue of TET-2014 Pass Certificate.
Rectified/ modified/ updated online system for submission of particulars for TET-2014 Pass Certificate will be available to the TET-2014 qualified and trained candidates on and from 06.08.2022 to 21.08.2022.
Rectification/ Upgradation/ Modification of Online System for Submission of Particulars for Issue of TET-2014 Pass Certificates in compliance with the Order of the Honourable Calcutta High Court, passed on 20.06.2022 in the matter of WPA-10358 of 2022