
School Education

To ensure universalization of Primary, Elementary, Secondary and Higher Secondary Education and to ensure quality education for Human Resource Development.

Grant of Dearness Allowance in Educational Institutions, 2013

Grant of Dearness Allowance to the Teaching and Non-teaching employees of Non-Government Aided/Sponsored Educational Institutions with effect from 1st January, 2013.

Curriculum Adaptation for Students with Special Needs

A Comprehensive Policy Outline prepared in consultation with Expert Committee on School Education has been finalized by the Government for curriculum adaptation for ensuring implementation of the same throughout the State.

Observation of Book Day on 2nd January, 2013 in Schools

School remain open from 26th December, 2012 to 1st January, 2013 to collect and make necessary arrangements for distribution of textbooks among the students on Book Day.

Recommendation of 4 more Optional Subjects by SED

Introduction of 4 (four) more optional Elective/Addl. subjects duly recommended by the School Education Department, Govt. of West Bengal, in addition to approved existing 33 (thirty three) optional Elective subjects under NVEQF programme for Madhyamik Pariksha in West Bengal, 2015.

Capital Grant to Govt. Aided Schools

To apply for capital grant to govt. aided schools, a detailed statement on existing number of class room, condition of school building with photographs, details of power supply, availability of furniture, laboratory, library, student strength status of the school, along with the audited report of the school’s accounts for last 5 year.

Admission of Children in Elementary Classes in Schools, 2013

Admission of children will be started from Pre Primary class in place of class I from the academic session 2013 and the minimum age of admission of such children shall be 5 years + as on 01.01.2013.

Submission of Data of Teaching and Non-teaching Employees

Officials of the Pension Cell of the Directorate may closely monitor the progress of the files till the PPO is issued. The Pension Cell should depute one or two persons to the DPPG’s office to monitor real time progress of the files.

Last Date of Application for Appointment of Primary Teachers

The last date of distribution and collection of Information Booklet-cum-Application Forms through Banks as published in the newspaper notification, dated 15.11.2012 stands valid.

Admission of Children in Pre-Primary Class for Session, 2013

Age while admission of Children in Pre-Primary Class should be appropriate as per RTE Act to provide universal elementary education to all children of the age of 6-14 yrs free of cost.

Revised Appointment Notification for Primary Teachers

Applications are invited for the post of Assistant Teachers in the Govt. Aided/ Sponsored Primary/ Junior Basic Schools under all District Primary School Councils to fill up the district wise published vacancies.

D. El. Ed for In-Service Primary Teachers

Inservice primary teachers who were appointed after 03.09.2001 or before 31.12.2005 should apply for 2 years D.El.Ed Course in distance mode.

Amendment in Conduct Rules of Secondary School Teachers

Every teacher or non-teaching staff shall submit an application for appearing at any examination to the appointing authority and seek prior approval of the concerned DI.

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