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Publication of Electoral Rolls for Election of Primary School

School Education, 👁️ 158

It is mandatory to prepare and publish fresh Electoral Rolls as per West Bengal Primary Education (Constitution of Electorate, preparation and publication of Electoral Rolls for Election to the primary school councils) Rules, 1981.

Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Bikash Bhawan, Salt Lake City, Kolkata- 700091

No. 1178/ES/P/10M-87/2010 Dated, Kolkata, the 11/12/2013.


Whereas after Panchayat Election, 2013, erstwhile members of Panchayat Bodies have been replaced by newly elected members;

And whereas membership of the erstwhile members of all District Primary School Councils and Siliguri Primary School Council of the State under ‘Panchayat Samity Category’ and ‘Zilla Parishad Category’ who were elected pursuant to election conducted by School Education Department in the month of November 2010 have been terminated vide this Department’s no. 929-SE(EE)/10M-87/2010 dated 03/10/2013 and consequently all such seats in District Primary School Councils have become vacant;

And whereas it is very much expedient on the part of the State Government in School Education Department to fill up the aforesaid vacant seats through the process of re-election as per rule 77A of West Bengal Primary Education (Conduct of Election to the Primary School Councils) Rules, 1981;

And whereas before initiating any action to conduct the election it is mandatory to prepare and publish fresh Electoral Rolls as per provision to rule 17(1) of West Bengal Primary Education (Constitution of Electorate, preparation and publication of Electoral Rolls for Election to the primary school councils) Rules, 1981 in respect of the category as mentioned under section 37(2) (d) and (f) and section 37(2A) (d) and (f) of the West Bengal Primary Education Act, 1973, as the case may be, taking into account of a Reference date as per rule 4 of West Bengal Primary Education (Conduct of election to the Primary School Councils) Rules, 1981.

2. Now therefore, the Governor has been pleased to declare 01.12.2013 as the reference date as per rule 4 of West Bengal Primary Education (Conduct of Election to the Primary School Councils) Rules, 1981 for preparation of fresh electoral roll for category as mentioned under section 37(2) (d) and (f) and section 37 (2A) (d) and (f) of the West Bengal Primary Education Act, 1973 as the case may be.

3. As per rule 2(g) of the West Bengal Primary Education (Constitution of Electorate, Preparation and Publication of Electoral Rolls for Election to the Primary School Councils) Rules, 1981, the Governor has been further pleased to declare the Additional District Magistrate of all districts to function as the Registering Authority for the category as mentioned under section 37(2) (d) and (f) and section 37(2A)(d) and (f) of West Bengal Primary Education Act, 1973 as the case may be.

4. The Governor has been further pleased to declare following dates in connection with the publication of the electoral roll as per provisions of the West Bengal Primary Education (Constitution of Electorate, Preparation of Electoral Rolls for Election to the Primary School Council) Rules, 1981. The Registering Authority may follow the same:-

a) Publication of the Draft of electoral roll as per rule 7 of West Bengal Primary Education (Constitution of Electorate, Preparation and Publication of Electoral Rolls for Election to the Primary School Councils) Rules 1981 – and issuance of Notice in FORM 1 inviting claims and objections on the said Draft electoral roll: — 27-12-2013 at 12 Noon.

b) Last date of receiving claims and objections on the draft electoral roll as per rule 9 (within 15 days from the date of publication of the Draft Publication of electoral roll):- 10-01-2014 at 12 Noon.

c) Issuance of Notice in FORM IV and FORM V as per rule 13 by registered post to the claimant (s) where the Registering Authority is not satisfied as to the validity of claims and objections By 13-01-2014.

d) Date of hearing on the claims and objections in connections with sub-para (3) above and taking decision and rectification of the electoral roll wherever required:- 20-01-2014 at 12 Noon.

e) Final publication of electoral roll as per rule 17:- 22-01-2014 at 12 Noon.

f) Amendment of electoral roll after final publication as per rule 18 (within 5 days from the date of publication of the final electoral roll): 26-01-2014 at 12 Noon.

5. as per rule 5 of the West Bengal Primary Education-(Constitution of Electorate, Preparation and Publication of Electoral Rolls for Election to the Primary School Councils) Rules, 1981, the Governor has been further pleased to declare that the electoral roll shall be published in Bengali and English in the following proforma:-

Electoral Roll as on 01.12.2013 for Election to the Members of District Primary School Council …………………………/ Siliguri Primary School Council under ‘Panchayat Samity Members Category’/’Zilla Parishad Members Category’.

Name of District: ……………….
Name of Zilla Parishad: ………….
Name of Sub-Division: …………….

Name of the Panchyat Samity Constituency/ Zilla Parishad Constituency of the DistrictVoter Sl. No.SurnameNameFather’s name/ Husband’s nameAgeSexElection under Section 37(2)(d) /37(2A)(d)/ Or 37(2)(f) /37(2A)(f) of West Bengal Primary Education Act, 1973.

6. As per rule 20 of the West Bengal Primary Education (Constitution of Electorate, Preparation and Publication of electoral Rolls for Election to the Primary School Councils) Rules, 1981, the Governor is further pleased to declare that the District Magistrate of the concerned district shall function as the Appellate authority in connection with the publication of the electoral roll.

As per rule 5 of West Bengal Primary Education (Conduct of Election to the Primary School Councils) Rules, 1981, the Governor is further pleased to declare that the re-election under the category as mentioned under section 37(2) (d) and (f) and under Section 37 (2A) (d) and (f) of West Bengal Primary Education Act, 1973 shall be completed by 16/02/2014.

By order of the Governor

Sd/- S Ghosh
Jt. Secy. to the Govt. of West Bengal

No. 1178-ES dated 11.12.2013