
School Education

To ensure universalization of Primary, Elementary, Secondary and Higher Secondary Education and to ensure quality education for Human Resource Development.

Admission to 2 years D.El.Ed Course, 2013-15

Application forms should be submitted within the stipulated date and time along with a Bank Draft of Rs. 300/- only in favour of WBBPE payable at Kolkata.

Increase of Intake Capacity in Class XI for Session 2012-13

School Education Department hereby allows to increase the intake capacity of enrolment of students by 20% of the existing strength in Class XI.

Quality of Mid Day Meal Rice supplied by FCI

Repeated complaints have been received by the State Govt. regarding the quality of Chattisgarh rice supplied by FCI for the Mid-Day-Meal (MDM) scheme.

Upgradation of Qualification of Primary Teachers

Primary school teachers appointed after 03.09.2001 having B. Ed or equivalent qualification should obtain 6 months Special Training to be conducted with the approval of the National Council for Teacher Education.

Recognition of Un-Aided Schools as per RTE Act

Any existing unrecognized School failing to apply for recognition within stipulated time will be violating the provision of the RTE Act and appropriate action will be taken.

Taskforce under School Education Department

Various Task Forces constituted to improve the quality and expedite the process of decision making in certain vital areas of concern for School Education.

Upgradation of 100 High Schools to Higher Secondary Level

Education Deptt. recommends provisional recognition for up-gradation of 100 High Schools to Higher Secondary Level for the academic session 2012.

Extension of Summer Vacation for Heat Wave, 2012

In view of the present heat wave prevailing over almost the entire State it has been decided to further extend the summer vacation till 17.06.2012.

Preponing of Summer Vacation in May, 2012

In view of the present heat wave prevailing over the State it has been decided to prepone the summer vacation for a few days so as to start on and from 15th – 16th May, 2012.

Application for Recognition of Un-Aided Schools

All schools now run by private Organisations/Individuals as unaided schools shall have to submit their applications for recognition in the prescribed format online through the School Education Department’s web portal www.wbsed.gov.in within a period of three months.

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