

Transport Department operates from the State Administrative Buildings, i.e. Writers’ Buildings. The Kolkata RTO office is known as Public Vehicles Department.

Recruitment Rules of Deputy Director in Transport Directorate

Rules regulating the recruitment to the posts of Deputy Director in Transport Directorate, West Bengal under the Transport Department, Government of West Bengal.

Resolution of Gatidhara Scheme by Transport Department

On receipt of intimation of release of subsidy in his favour by WBTIDCL to the concerned Gatidhara-Facilitator (dealer), the applicant shall contact the facilitator and get his vehicle registered within 10 (ten) days from the date of release of subsidy.

Administrative and Operational Set-up of Transport Directorate

Policy relating to transfer, promotion and seniority of employees, who will be borne in the Head Quarter of Transport Directorate, West Bengal on shifting from Public Vehicles Department, Kolkata, will be retained.

Separate Sounds for Ambulance Siren and Police Siren

For the purpose of early patient transport an ambulance may use as signal the wailing siren sound having rising and falling loop; while a police vehicle in emergency service will use siren with passing sound effect with short brust.

Bike-Taxi Service in NKDA, NITA and Salt Lake area

Bike-Taxi service to areas under New Kolkata Development Authority (NKDA), Nabadiganta Industrial Township Authority (NDITA) and the Sectors I to IV of Bidhannagar (Salt Lake) Township.

Retro-fitment of Speed Limiting Device in Existing Vehicles

The SLD manufacturer or his dealer/agent shall, at the time of fitment of SLD in a vehicle, require to generate a Unique Identification Number for the SLD installed in each vehicle.

Exemption of Motor Vehicles Tax for Ram Krishna Mission

Motor vehicles of the Ram Krishna Mission incl. Sarada Pith, Belur Math and Mission, Sri Sarada Math and Ramakrishna Sarada Mission used for spreading social education.

Recruitment Rules of Engineer and Chief Ship Surveyor

Method of and the qualifications required for recruitment to the post of Engineer and Chief Ship Surveyor, Inland Water Transport Wing under the Transport Department, Government of West Bengal.

Recruitment Rules of Engineer and Ship Surveyor

Method of and the qualifications required for recruitment to the post of Engineer and Ship Surveyor, Inland Water Transport Wing under the Transport Department, Government of West Bengal.

Testing Stations for issuing Vehicle’s Fitness Certificate

Governor has been pleased to decide that intending vehicle manufacturers having their workshops with prescribed facilities will be encouraged to set up testing stations.

Online Payment of Motor Vehicle Taxes and Fees – Conditions

Online application with e-payment of fees and taxes for registration of motor vehicles by the dealers – Applicable for Non-transport vehicles like cars and two wheelers only.

Pool Cars carrying School Children – Issuing permit by RTAs

Contract carriage permits shall be issued in Form XV of WBMV Rules, 1989 and it shall be obligatory on the part of the permit holder to use the vehicle for carrying school children.

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