
Tribal Development

Tribal Development Department has been constituted with a view to address specific issues related to welfare of Tribal communities of the State in a more concerted and holistic manner.

General Body of Tamang Development and Cultural Board

Governor is hereby pleased to nominate the followings members to the General Body of Tamang Development and Cultural Board. It shall automatically expire on completion of five years.

Executive Body of Tamang Development and Cultural Board

The ‘Tamang Development and Cultural Board’ was constituted vide resolution No. 33-TDD/6S-80/13(Pt.-l) dated the 27th June, 2014 duly published in the Kolkata Gazette on 16th July, 2014.

West Bengal Rules of Business – Tribal Development

All matters related to the welfare and development of the Scheduled Tribes, including provision of funds; Tribal sub-plan. Constitutional matters. All matters pertaining to the identification of Scheduled Tribes.

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