Health, Service Rule đī¸ 284
Principal/ Director of the Institution need to verify and authenticate the filled in proforma from the Service Book and original mark sheets as submitted by candidate in triplicate.
Government of West Bengal
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Directorate of Medical Education
Memo No: ME/PROM-01-2015/M/131 Dated: the 20th Jan, 2015.
From: The DME & Ex-Officio Secretary to the Government of West Bengal
1. The Principal: Medical College, Kolkata/ NRS Medical College, Kolkata/ R.G. Kar Medical College, Kolkata/ CNMC, Kolkata/ Burdwan Medical College, Burdwan/ BSMC, Bankura/ NBMC, Daijeeling/ Midnapore Medical College, Paschim Medinipore/ CSS, Kolkata/ Dr. B. C. Roy PGIPS, Narkeldanga, Kolkata/ ID & BG Hospital, Kolkata./ C.O.M & Sagore Dutta Hospital/ Malda Medical College,Malda/ Murshidabad Medical College, Berhampore.
2. The Director, IPGME&R, Kolkata/ BIN &P, Kolkata/ STM, Kolkata/ RIO, Kolkata/ IHTM, Kolkata/ ICVS, (IPGME&R & R G Kar Medical College & Hospital)
Subject: Departmental Promotion in WBMES, 2015.
Important dates:
Departmental Promotion for the posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor are scheduled to be conducted very soon in the specified tiers and disciplines as per the vacancy lists indicated in the annexed schedule.
2. For such purpose a Proforma – I is annexed herewith. All candidates are required to tender their applications for departmental promotions by way of filling up the annexed proforma – I in triplicate and the Principal/ Director of the concerned Institution need to verify and authenticate the same from the Service Book and original mark sheets. The candidates need to submit one copy of the authenticated proforma to the Office of the Joint Secretary/Assistant Secretary from the date of publication of this circular upto 27th February, 2015 in all working days from 11 a.m to 4.30 p.m,(Except Saturdays and Sundays) while the second authenticated copy is to be brought on the date of interview. The third copy is to be retained in the Office of the Principal/ Director. The information provided in the proforma would be verified from the original supportive documents that the candidates must produce on the date of interview. The candidates are mandatory required not to modify the proforma in any way. If needed, additional information may be provided in separate sheets and duly authenticated by the Principal/ Director of the Institute.
3. The Principals/ Directors must ensure that the candidate is eligible for promotion and the discipline in which he/ she wants to appear has been scheduled for interview.
4. The annexed circular is required to be circulated among all Medical Teachers in your Institution and documentary evidences regarding serving this circular with annexed proforma to all concerned must be kept in the Office of the Principal/ Director and be sent to the Office of the DME, West Bengal whenever called for.
5. The Principals/ Directors are required not to forward applications of ineligible candidates.
6. Duly authenticated xerox copy of the relevant page of the Service Book showing the records of PVR must be submitted along with the filled in proforma.
7. The ACRs of last three years of all applicants must be sent to the office of Joint Secretary (ME)/ Assistant Secretary (ME) by 27th February. Xerox copies may also suffice.
8. It may be noted that interviews for departmental promotions in different disciplines in different tiers would be held as per the vacancy position detailed in the annexed schedule, obtained in terms of vacancy status reported by different Principals/ Directors. In case of any doubt, concerned Medical Teachers may be advised to feel free to represent in writing and contact in person with the Special Secretary (Medical Education) in all working days up to 23rd February, 2015 up to 4.30. p.m, or communicate their views directly to the undersigned.
The relevant portions of paragraph – 8 of this communication may also be made known to all the Medical Teachers concerned.
This may be treated as top priority.
Enclosed: as above
Sd/- DME & Ex-Officio Secretary
to the Government of West Bengal