
Deputation of State Govt. Employees as per WBSR

Finance, 👁ī¸ 1056

An employee on deputation may elect to draw either the pay in the scale of pay of the deputation post or his basic pay in the parent department plus deputation allowance.

Deputation of State Govt. Employees to other Governments, Departments, Companies, Corporations etc.

Principles of admissibility:

  1. The term deputation will cover only appointments made by transfer on a temporary basis outside the regular line and in the public interest.
  2. Appointments of serving Government servants made either by promotion or by direct recruitment in competition with open market candidates, whether on a permanent or temporary basis, will not be regarded as a deputation. Similarly permanent appointment made by transfer will not also be treated as deputation.
  3. The question whether the transfer is outside the regular line or not, where there is any doubt, shall be decided by the Government.

Exercise of Option:

  1. An employee on deputation may elect to draw either the pay in the scale of pay of the deputation post as may be fixed under the normal rules or his basic pay in the parent departmental plus deputation allowance.
  2. The option once exercised shall be final when

Rates of Drawal:

The deputation allowance shall be admissible at the following rates:

Provided that the basic pay plus deputation allowance shall at no time exceed maximum of the pay scale of the parent post or the maximum of the pay scale of the deputation post or Rs. 22400/- p.m. whichever is higher. Also provided that the post to which the Government servant is deputed does not carry identical, equivalent or lower scale of pay.

In order that no employee receives an abnormal pay increase by virtue of being posted on deputation, the authority ordering the deputation will ensure that the minimum pay in the scale of pay of the deputation post is not substantially in excess of his basic pay plus deputation allowance at prescribed rates. Where such minimum substantially exceeds the basic pay of the employee in his parent department, the appointing authorities should apply the provisions of Rule 58 of WBSR and specially restrict the pay of the deputationist to a suitable figure below the minimum pay of the post.

For the sake of uniformity the pay allowed under Rule 58, ibid, should not exceed the basic pay of the deputationist by more than the amounts shown below:

Sl.Basic PayAmount
1Employees in receipt of basic pay above Rs. 8000/- p.m.8% of basic pay or Rs. 800/- whichever is more.
2Employees in receipt of basic pay above Rs. 3000/- and up to Rs. 8000/- p.m.10% of basic pay or Rs. 375/- whichever is more.
3Employees in receipt of basic pay of and below Rs. 3000/- p.m.12.5% of basic pay.

Promotion of Persons drawing Deputation Allowance:

When a person already on deputation is to be appointed to another post by the borrowing authority, the borrowing authority should obtain the concurrence of the lending authority prior to such appointment, so that the latter might decide as to how the pay in another post is to be fixed.

Period of drawing Deputation Allowance:

  1. The period of deputation shall be usually subject to a maximum of 3 years in all cases, except for those posts where a longer period of tenure is specifically prescribed.
  2. Administrative Departments may grant extension beyond this limit up to one year in the cases where such extension is considered necessary in the public interest. Extension beyond this 4 years period will require the specific approval of the Finance Department. No deputation allowance will be allowed for such extension, if agreed to by the Finance Department.

Relevant Memo Nos are 9326-F dated 12.10.79, 7871-F dated 13.07.84, 10924-F dated 20.12.85, 4276-F dated 03.05.90, 3728-F dated 26.04.99.


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