
Introduction of Deputation Sub-Module of HRMS

Finance, 👁️ 219

Governor is pleased to introduce the Deputation Sub-Module in Human Resource Management System (HRMS) for all State Government employees posted on different types of deputation.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 4472-F(Y) Dated 12th July, 2018


Sub: Introduction of Deputation Sub-Module of HRMS

The inclusion of all State Government Employees posted on deputation in different Parastatals/ State PSUs/ State Autonomous Bodies within the scope of Human Resource Management System (HRMS) Module has been under active consideration of the State Government since some time past.

2. Now, the Governor is pleased to introduce the Deputation Sub-Module in HRMS for all State Government employees posted on different types of deputation.

3. The meaning of ‘deputation’ within the scope of Deputation Sub-Module would include the following:

A. Deputation under the control of an Administrative Department of the State Government:

In this type of posting on deputation, there may further be two categories:

i. Posting in a post within the Cadre Schedule of the employee’s parent cadre.
ii. Posting in a post outside the Cadre Schedule of the employee’s parent cadre.

B. Deputation outside the State Government:

In this type of posting on deputation the employee is posted outside the administrative control of the State Government like in:

i. Deputation in any Ministry/ Department under the Government of India.
ii. Central PSUs.
iii. Central Autonomous Bodies.
iv. Deputation in any Department under other State Governments, etc.
v. Other States’ PSUs.
vi. Autonomous Bodies in other States.
vii. International Bodies.

4. The following activities shall be undertaken by Administrative Departments and Cadre Controlling Authorities for inclusion of employees under deputation in HRMS:

A. Creation of parastatals in Stakeholder Sub-Module in HRMS:

In order to include employees posted on deputation in Parastatals/State PSUs/State Autonomous Bodies under the administrative control of Government of West Bengal as mentioned in point no. 3A above within HRMS; all Administrative Departments are required to map such entities under their control by selecting the ‘Parastatal’ flag in Stakeholder Sub-Module for creating their parastatals in HRMS.

B. Creation of posts in parastatals in Sanctioned Strength Sub-Module in HRMS:

After creation of Parastatals/ State PSUs/ State Autonomous Bodies in HRMS the posts may be created in such parastatal bodies/ State PSUs/ State Autonomous Bodies as follows:

i. For the posts of a Cadre under Sl. No. 3 (A) (i) above, Cadre Controlling Authorities may create the sanctioned posts in such parastatals using the Sanctioned Strength Sub-Module of HRMS for Cadres controlled by them.

Example: “X” is a Cadre under the control of Department “Y” for which a post named ‘Manager’ is sanctioned within its Cadre Schedule at a Parastatal “P” under the administrative control of Department “Z”. The Administrative Department “Z” will create the Parastatal “P” under it in Stakeholder Sub-Module. After that the Department “Y” will create a post named ‘Manager’ in Cadre “X” in the Parastatal “P” using Sanctioned Strength Sub-Module.

ii. For the posts under Sl. No. 3 (A) (ii) & (B) above, no post codes are required be created using Sanctioned Strength Sub-Module of HRMS. In other words, DO NOT create Sanctioned Strength for such postings. Only the employee may be released from the current post in HRMS after disbursing his/her salary up to the date on which he/she was in a post in the State Government/on deputation under Sl. No. 3(A)(i) above.

iii. For posts under Sl. No. 3 (B) above, the information regarding the offices and posts where the employee is going to be placed under deputation after release from the State Government shall be kept in HRMS by the Cadre Controlling Authority of the State Government of respective employees.

5. Generation of Unique ID of employees posted in parastatals for whom no HRMS Unique Id was generated previously: For such employees posted on deputation, their Cadre Controlling Authority shall generate the HRMS Unique ID. The modalities of generation of such Unique ID have been provided in the Guidelines Section of iFMS Portal.

6. The employees who previously had HRMS Unique ID but it was terminated/ deactivated/ released in HRMS at the time of posting on deputation: For such employees posted on deputation, the concerned Cadre Controlling Authority may revoke such termination of HRMS Unique ID or may activate such HRMS Unique ID or may make the Unique ID available at their end through the relevant link in HRMS. The modalities of revocation of termination, activation of previous employee Unique ID and the process of making the old HRMS Unique ID available in the end of Cadre Controlling Authority have been provided in the Guidelines Section of iFMS Portal.

7. Application and Sanction of Leave/ Loan/ GPF Advance/ LTC/ TC of an employee on deputation: For the employees on deputation, online application for Leave/Loan shall be made by the employee from his e-Services for Employees (eSE) login in HRMS to the Head of the Office/Controlling Authority/Cadre Controlling Authority as the case may be. The Head of the Office/Controlling Authority/Cadre Controlling Authority shall sanction the Leave/Loan through HRMS and shall indicate in the sanction order the DDO in case of drawl of loan.

8. The entire process for creation of Office/ Sanctioned Posts of a Cadre under HRMS for Parastatals/ State PSUs/ State Autonomous bodies may be completed at the earliest within July, 2018.

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 4472-F dated 12.07.2018, Source

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