- There are various general principles which shall apply to the determination of seniority in the various services and posts under the West Bengal Govt as laid down in West Bengal Services Determination of Seniority Rules.
- The relative seniority of all direct recruits recruited through competitive examination, interview or after training shall be determined by the order of merit in which they are selected for such appointment, on the recommendation of the State Public Service Commission or other selecting authority, persons appointed as a result of an earlier selection being senior to those appointed as a result of a subsequent selection.
- Seniority of persons appointed on promotion to any post, cadre or grade shall be determined from the date of joining such post, cadre or grade.
- The relative seniority between a promotee and a direct recruit shall be determined by the year of appointment or promotion of each in the post, cadre or grade irrespective of the date of joining.
- The relative seniority of persons appointed by transfer to a post, cadre or grade from the feeder post, cadre or grade of the same department or office or from other departments or offices of the Government shall be determined by the order of selection for such transfer.
- SC/ST Government employees on promotion as per rules of reservation/ roster shall be entitled to consequential seniority also. General/ OBC employees promoted later shall be junior to SC/ST employees promoted earlier.
Reference: No. 1882-F dated 11.03.1981, 3930-F dated 20.05.1981, 4444-F dated 12.06.1981, 9759-F dated 18.10.2001, 3780-F dated 14.03.2002, 5336-F dated 21.05.2004, 5337-F dated 21.05.2004.
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