Eligibility Criteria for Schemes under WBMDFC

West Bengal Minorities Development & Finance Corporation
(A Statutory Corporation of Govt. of West Bengal)

Memo: 1185-MDC/1Q-11/M Dated: 10.08.13


As WBMDFC acts as a State Channelizing Agency of National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation (NMDFC) and National Backward Classes Finance & Development Corporation (NBCFDC) and implements various economic welfare schemes along with the Schemes of the Minority Affairs & Madrasah Education Department, Government of West Bengal. For the purpose of skill development and creating employment or self employment opportunities, it also organizes vocational training and Coaching programmes in collaboration with Govt Polytechnics and reputed CBOs.

The communities eligible for getting benefits under the Schemes of Central Government and the Government of West Bengal are Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and Parsees.

The members of Jain Community in West Bengal are eligible for getting benefits under the Schemes of Government of West Bengal only, implemented by the WBMDFC.

SL NoSchemes Implemented by WBMDFCMinority Communities
1Term Loan, DLS, MWEP, Rokeya Sakhawat Gas Oven Scheme, Education Loan, Merit-cum-Means, Post Matric Scholarship, Pre Matric Scholarship, Post Matric Stipend Under Talent Support, Vocational Training, Skill development programme.Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist, Parsee
2MWEP, Rokeya Sakhawat Gas Oven Scheme, Post Matric Stipend Under Talent Support Programme, Skill development ProgrammeMuslim, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist, Parsee, Jam

Please check the eligible criteria to apply for the benefits under different schemes.

Sd/- Managing Director

No. 1185-MDC dated 10.08.13, Source

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