
Delivery of Digitally Signed QR Coded Certificates directly from BSKs

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Each digitally signed document delivered to citizen shall bear a unique identity number (UIN) so that authenticity of the document can be easily verified from departmental portal and BSK portal by keying the unique identity number.


No. 908-CS/(61)/2022 Dated: 05.07.2022

1-61. The Additional Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary/ Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal,
â€Ļâ€Ļâ€Ļâ€Ļâ€Ļâ€Ļâ€Ļâ€Ļ.. Department

Sub: Delivery of digitally signed QR Coded certificates/ documents directly from BSKs- regarding

Sir/ Madam,

In reference to the above, many a State Government Department is providing government service online for convenience of the citizen. Subsequently, BSKs are set up to enable people, who do not have access to computer resources, to apply online for such services through BSKs. Now, to provide end to end service, BSKs are required to provide service output i.e., certificates/ documents etc. to applicants from BSKs.

2. To standardize and enable legally acceptable online service delivery at grassroots, the service providing departments are directed to provide digitally signed documents/ certificate etc. and undertake server certification of the all the e-governance initiatives, if not already done. Each digitally signed document delivered to citizen shall bear a unique identity number (UIN) so that authenticity of the document can be easily verified from departmental portal and BSK portal by keying the unique identity number. Other than the Unique ID, the digitally signed certificate shall bear security features such as the QR Code, hologram etc. The Unique key will be a 16-character alphanumeric code that will be ascribed by the department and help verify the authenticity of the document. The entire process will be server-certified.

3. The departments are required to deliver digitally signed certificates to citizens online in respect of all the notified services (the list is enclosed). The Departments shall, further, define and notify the work-flow and Service-levels for disposal of applications in compliance with the provisions of the West Bengal Right to Public Services Act, 2013. The responsibilities of the Departments have been spelt out under Section 4.0 in the SOP which is attached with this letter.

4. For any query and technical assistance, please contact Amitjyoti Bhattacharji, DS, PG& IC (8335058410) and Dr. Arindam Ray, Chief Technology Officer, PMU (9350778825) or you may email at bskpmu@gmail.com.

5. You are requested to kindly arrange to undertake the above immediately and submit compliance by 30th July, 2022 at the latest at bskpmu@gmail.com.


  1. List of Services notified through BSKs
  2. Standard Operating Procedure (SoP)

Yours faithfully,

Sd/- Dr. H.K. Dwivedi
Chief Secretary

No. 908-CS dated 05.07.2022, Source

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