
Dissolve of PWD Construction Board Branch

Public Works,

The works, so far, looked after by the PWD (C.B. Branch) shall henceforth be looked after by the respective Branches of the P.W. Department.

Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department
Establishment Branch

No. 131(A) Dated: 31.07.2013.


The Governor is pleased in the interest of public service to dissolve the PWD (C.B. Branch) in the manner as laid down below:-

1. All the posts with their sanctioned strength as given below will be placed under the disposal of the P.W. Department, Establishment Branch:-

Sl. No.Name of the postSanctioned Strength
1.Assistant Secretary1
2.Section Officer1
3.Head Assistant1
4.U.D. Assistant2
5.L.D. Assistant2
7.Record Supplier1
8.Peon, Grade – I1
9.Peon, Basic Grade1

2. The works, so far, looked after by the PWD (C.B. Branch) shall henceforth be looked after by the respective Branches of the P.W. Department.

3. The cadres, so far, controlled by PWD (C.B. Branch) shall, henceforth, be controlled by the P.W. Department, Establishment Branch and the relevant work of those cadres shall be looked after by the concerned Dealing Assistant and Supervisors of P.W. Department who are entrusted with the particular cadre under P.W. Department.

4. There are 03 (three) Assistant Secretaries in the P.W. Department and the Assistant Secretary, PWD (C.B. Branch) shall, henceforth, be redesignated as Assistant Secretary – IV, P.W. Department and he will be the leave substitute of Assistant Secretary – III and vice-versa.

5. The Assistant Secretary – I, P.W. Department shall be the leave substitute of Assistant Secretary – II, P.W. Department and vice-versa. Distribution of work among the Assistant Secretaries of P.W. Department will be issued later on.

6. The other officers and staff of PWD (C.B Branch) shall be re-deployed among the different branches of PWD in the following manner:-

Sl. No.Name of the postName of the officers/staffRe-deploed in /with
1.Section OfficerSri Krishnadas BardhanP.E. Branch
2.Head AssistantSri Debasish DasEstablishment Branch, Medical Cell
3.U.D. AssistantSri Saroj MalWorks Branch
4.U.D. AssistantSri Gobinda HalderEstablishment Branch, Medical Cell
5.L.D. AssistantSri Prosenjit BoseGeneral Branch
6.Record SupplierSri Ajoy Kumar JanaEstablishment Branch, Pension Cell.
7.Peon, Grade – ISri Pranab Kr. RoyAssistant Secretary – I, P.W.D.
8.Peon, Basic GradeSri Swapan MaikapEstablishment Branch

7. The Office premises, so far, occupied by the PWD (C.B. Branch) in Block – V, Top floor, Writers’ Buildings shall, henceforth, be accommodated by the Establishment Branch, Pension Cell.

8. The seniority of the existing employees in the cadre of Record Supplier and Group – D staff of PWD (C.B. Branch) will not be affected by this dissolution. A detail order will follow soon.

9. The following heads of accounts, so far, controlled by the PWD (C.B. Branch) shall be placed under the control of P.W. Department during the Financial Year of 2013-14:-

i) “2052-Sectt.-General Services-00-090-Sectt.-NP-Non Plan-014-PW (CB) Deptt (PW)”
ii) “2059-01-OFFICE BUILDINGS-799-Suspense-NP-Non Plan-001 -P.W. Dte (CB)”
iii) “2059-80-General-001 -Direction & Administration-NP-Non Plan-001-Direction-Construction Board (PW)”

This dissolution of P.W.D. (C.B. Branch) will take effect on and from 01.03.2013.

Sd/- S. K. GIRI
Deputy Secretary-II to the
Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department

No. 131 dated 31.07.2013