Forest, Duties and Responsibilities 👁️ 594
Duties, functions and responsibilities of staff officers in the Office of the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests & Head of Forest Force, WB, of Directorate of Forests.
Government of West Bengal
Directorate of Forests
Office of the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests & Head of Forest Force, WB
Aranya Bhawan, Block: LA-10A, Salt Lake City, Sector – III, Kolkata
OFFICE ORDER NO. 10-MISC/PMC/2021 Dated: Kolkata: 23.02.2021.
Sub: Duties, functions and responsibilities of staff officers in the Office of the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests & HoFF, W.B., of Directorate of Forests.
The officers and staff of the Directorate are working under the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests & Head of Forest Force, W.B., for effective discharge of duties of the Directorate and in the interest of public service. In order to streamline the works of all the officers and staffs posted at the Directorate, an effort has been made to outline the works of all concerned as precisely as possible though it is very difficult to precisely earmark and list out the duties and responsibility of each and every officer as they are diverse and many a times overlap.
Rational distribution of work has been done as practicable as possible taking into account the designation of the post and the reasons for creation/ up gradation of the post. An attempt has been made for rational utilization of manpower and it is expected that such rationalization of duties and responsibilities will improve overall efficiency of the Directorate. The work allotted to each officer is not extensive and in case of any confusion, the decision of the undersigned is final.
The following officers and staffs are covered under this order.
In suppression of earlier orders issued from time to time in this regard, the following duties and responsibilities of the staff officers of the Directorate Headquarters are hereby entrusted. All the officers and staff to kindly follow the same and put up the matter, according to the duties and responsibilities give superior /controlling officers for quick disposal of the matter.
Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, HOFF
West Bengal
a. State Nodal Officer for Forest (Conservation) Act 1980
b. All matters related to Forest Conservation Act and all Land Affairs.
He / She is also empowered to finally dispose off the following subjects:
a. Initiation of process for declaring compensatory lands as Protected Forests.
b. Monitor Forest Land diversion cases pending sanction of the GOI.
c. Monitor the compliance of conditions stipulated by the GOI for diversion of forest-land by field visits and checking of records.
d. Build database on all the amendments to rules/regulations/guidelines issued by the GOI under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980.
e. Any other matter of the Directorate entrusted to him by PCCF (General) and PCCF, (HoFF) W.B.
f. He / She will be the controlling officer of CCF/LA&FCA or CF /LA and FCA as the case may be.
g. His / Her Controlling Officer will be PCCF (HoFF). WB.
a. Matter related to recruitment, appointment, transfer/ posting, promotion, Pay & Allowance and pension of Group B,C,D employees;
b. He/She will function as disciplinary authority of Group B officers working in the offices of PCCF / HoFF, WB and Western, Central, South-East, South- West Circles and CCF (Conservation & Extension) except the employees under Parks & Gardens;
c. He / She will be the appointing authority of the Group C employees of the Directorate of Forests, Govt of West Bengal.
d. Preparation and execution of HRD policy for all cadres of Forest Directorate;
e. He / She will act as Nodal Officer for training;
f. Formulating guidelines, instructions at Directorate level regarding various matters pertaining to the PMC and Establishment;
g. Matters relating to reorganization of forest Directorate including redeployment of staff;
He / She is also empowered to finally dispose off the following subjects:
a. Matters related to Pension Papers of all staff posted in the office of PCCF, WB: Issuance of “No Objection Certificate’ for Passport in favour of Group B,C, & D employees of the Directorate, Issuance of offer for Appointment and related correspondence on Compassionate ground to both C & D categories of staff of the Directorate, Matters related to disciplinary proceedings and vigilance cases of Group B,C& D employees of the Forest Directorate; Final disposal of matters related to appointment promotion and transfers of Group C employees of the Directorate of Forests, GoWB, He / She will accord permission for acquisition of moveable and immoveable property of Group B,C,& D employees as per WB service Conduct Rules, 1959; Allotment of house building loan, marriage / illness loan, car loan, computer loan, cycle and motor cycle loan etc; Matters related to all advances such as GPF, pay advance to the officers and staff of the Headquarters; Sanctioning of matters related to W.B. Health Scheme of all employees where the amount is beyond the power of the DFOs, CFs, & CCFs; He / She will be the nodal officer for the recruitment of Group B,C, & D Employees of the West Bengal Forest Directorate through the different Recruitment Boards / Commission. Transfer grant and TA bills of all officers up to CCF.
b. He / She will be the Chairman of the Uniform Purchase Committee.
c. He / She shall be the Nodal Officer of SPARROW and online PAR of IFS.
d. All matters relating to Law and Court Cases, all matters relating to concerning Acts, Rules, Powers / Authorizations of Officers and Staff in Legal / Administrative matters.
e. Any other matter of the Directorate entrusted by PCCF (General) & PCCF / HoFF, WB.
f. He / She will be the Controlling Officer of CCF/PMC, CCF GC & CCF/PGLI.
g. His / Her Controlling Officer will be PCCF / HoFF, W.B.
a. Matters related to the budget of Forest Directorate – Plan, Non – Plan and Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS).
b. Matters related to the preparation of Budget speech of Hon’ble Governor, Finance Minister and M.I.C., Forests.
c. Coordinating the matters related to Budget and Finance with other Wings of the Directorate namely Wildlife, Research, Monitoring & Development, JICA Project.
d. Matters related to appropriation and control of budget of the entire Forest Directorate.
e. Budget matters on Medicinal Plants, NTFP, New& Renewable Sources of Energy.
f. Review of Special Projects & Development Schemes like Green India Mission, Namami Gange, Jala Tirtha, NREGS, FDA, Urban Forestry, WBFDC Project and other non-budgetary resources.
He / She is empowered to finally dispose off the following subjects:
a. Matters related to MIS and E-governance.
b. Maintenance and management of the Directorate website.
c. All existing matters and new proposals / schemes of Forest Directorate in consultation with higher authorities.
d. Appropriations and control of budget of the Forest Directorate, revised and final stages and all matters connected with them.
e. He / She will be the controlling officer CCF Finance, CCF Spl. Dev.
f. Project and CCF MIS & E-Gov.
g. His / Her Controlling Officer will be PCCF / HoFF, WB.
h. Any other matter of the Directorate entrusted to him by PCCF (General) and PCCF, W.B.
a. Preparation of Budget Estimates, Revised Estimates and Final Estimates including IFP, CSS (With state share), finance Commission and as directed by APCCF Finance.
b. Matters related to Delegation of Financial Powers Rules, such as revision of limits etc.
c. All existing matters and new proposals / schemes of Forest Directorate other than those allotted to CCF Spl. Dev Project.
d. Preparation and submission of Annual Plan and Five year Plans including Tribal sub-plan, Special Component Plan and District Plan.
e. Preparation of schemes and submission of the same to the State Govt. and Central Govt. for funding.
f. Preparation of various meetings, Forest Ministers meetings, Planning Commission and State Planning Board meetings.
g. Preparation of Forest Minister’s Budget Speech etc., and its reply, Finance Minister’s speech and Governor’s speech.
He / She is empowered to finally dispose off the following subjects:
a. Forwarding plans and estimates for schemes related to forestry to the Matters relating to detailed estimates and PR / UC submission to Govt, for sanction and release of fund.
b. Coordinating the matters related to Budget and Finance as per the advice of his superiors with Departments of Forest, Finance, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India, Planning Board etc.
c. Appropriation and control of budget of the Forest Directorate, revised and final stages and all matters connected with them.
d. Monitoring and scrutiny of estimates in connection with budget proposals and their submission for the Government sanctions.
e. He/ She will be the controlling officer of DCF (Finance).
f. His /Her controlling officer will be APCCF Finance.
g. Any other duties to be assigned by PCCF (General) and PCCF (HOFF), WB.
a. All matters relating to Public grievance.
b. All matters relating to Law and Court Cases.
c. Revision of Forest Manual.
d. All matters relating to concerning Acts, Rules, Powers / Authorizations of officers & Staff in Legal / Administrative Matters.
e. Matters relating to licenses of wood-based industries.
He / She empowered to finally dispose off the following subjects:
a. Maintain database of Pattas under Forest Rights Act and details of cases under it.
b. Creation and maintenance of Guard File containing all G.O.s/ Government Notifications (to be assisted by the AO & HC).
c. He / She is the Appellate Authority under Right to Information Act for the Office of the PCCF (HOFF).
d. Supervision and control of Law Cell with regard to all Court Cases of the Directorate.
e. Maintaining liaison with the Law Officer of Department of Forests on various cases under various acts and rules made there under.
f. He / She will be controlling officer of DCF / Legal & Law Officer and CF APM.
g. His / Her controlling officer will be APCCF / HRD.
h. Any other duties to be assigned by PCCF (HoFF), West Bengal & PCCF (General).
a. All matters on Wildlife and Biodiversity Conservation except Acts and Rules.
b. Matters on Parliament and Assembly Questions.
c. All matters concerning all Parliament and Assembly Committees.
d. All matters concerning meetings of the Forest Produce Disposal & Price Fixation Committee.
e. All matters concerning purchase of Uniform.
f. All matters concerning working plan & GIS.
Allotment of duties to the clerical and Group D staff of the office of the PCCF(HoFF), WB including change of table of Ministerial/ Clerical Staff of the office of PCCF(HoFF), WB after consultation with other staff officers and approval of PCCF(HoFF), WB & PCCF (General).
He / She is empowered to finally dispose off the following subjects:
a. Matters related to Central Library.
b. All matters concerning general complaints and Public Relations.
c. he will be the controlling officer of CF / South & CF WP & GIS.
d. All matters related to Tour notes, tour diary and tour programme of all officers.
e. Issues relating to Publicity.
f. All the audit matters of the Directorate including submission of the audit queries, dealing with CAG reports.
g. Monitoring of media report on forestry matters of importance and bringing them to notice of PCCF (HoFF), W.B.
h. His / Her controlling officer will be PCCF General, W.B.
i. Any other duties to be assigned by PCCF (HoFF), WB or PCCF (General).
a. Matters related to recruitment, appointment, transfer posting, promotion, pension, pay and allowances etc of Group B & C employees.
b. final disposal of matters related to appointment, promotion and transfer of Group D employees.
c. In – Service training of Group B, C & D employees.
d. All matters related to appointment on compassionate grounds.
e. Matter related to issuing NOC for passport in case of Group B, C and D employees.
f. Matters related to disciplinary proceedings and vigilance cases of all Group B, C & D employees.
g. Establishment matters of Group of employees
He / She is empowered to finally dispose off the following subjects:
a. Maintaining Service Book of Group B, C & D employees of the Office of the PCCF & HoFF, W.B.
b. Custodian of ACR of Rangers and other Group B employees.
c. Maintaining the personal records of all Group B, C, and D with personal employee codes, to be updated at regular intervals. Updating Gradation List of all Group B, C and D employees at two years intervals.
d. Preparation of consolidated list of CDLs, after receiving the lists of eligible candidates from all the wings, and after approval of his superiors.
e. RTI matters related to Group B and C employees.
f. Sending summons to concerned employees as per Court orders.
g. Issuing identity cards of Group B, C, and D employees.
h. All other residual matters related to Group B, C and D employees.
i. He / She will be the controlling officer of DFO / PMC.
j. His / Her controlling officer will be APCCF / HRD
k. Any other duties to be assigned by PCCF (HoFF), WB and PCCF (General).
a. Matters related to transfer, posting, movement orders, promotion and pension etc. of IFS, WBFS Officers, CAS of WBFS Officers.
b. Matters related to PAR of IFS & WBFS Officers.
c. Matters related to Declaration of Assets and Vigilance Files of Officers.
d. In-service Training and leave matters of IFS, WBFS.
e. RTI matters concerning IFS & WBFS Officers of the West Bengal Cadre.
f. Pay fixation matters of IFS & WBFS Officers as well as pensioners from the IFS & WBFS positions.
g. Promotion matters of IFS, WBFS, WBFS to IFS and Forest Rangers to WBFS.
h. Processing of Quinquennial review proposals of the IFS Cadre.
i. Custodian of service records including service records of all IFS and WBFS officers except PCCF HOFF and CC Gazetted cell
He / She is empowered to finally dispose off the following subjects:
a. Custodian of Annual Declaration of Assets and Annual Performance Appraisal Reports of WBFS.
b. Updating service records of Gazetted Officers.
c. Publication of Civil List of IFS & WBFS Officer.
d. Custodian of Service books of all IFS and WBFS officers
e. His / Her Controlling Officer will be APCCF /HRD.
f. Any other duties to be assigned by PCCF (HoFF), WB and PCCF (General).
a. He / She shall be the Head of the e-Governance Cell of the Directorate.
b. He / She will be in-charge of computer section and control the functioning of all staff of Computer Section.
c. Development of customized software, testing, training and implementation.
d. Maintenance and management of the Directorate website
e. Nodal Officer for BANGLARMUKH for the Directorate.
He / She is empowered to finally dispose off the following subjects:
a. Compilation and maintenance of Forest Statistics and related Database.
b. Maintain data on the available hardware and software in the various officers of the Directorate and review requirement of all hardware and software programmes / database for each office level.
c. Monitoring of submission of monthly accounts of all accounting units of the Forest Directorate on day to day basis.
d. Monitor action taken to procure the required hardware / software.
e. He / She will be the Controlling Officer of Deputy Conservator of Forests (MIS).
f. Her Controlling Officer will be APCCF (Finance).
g. Any other duties assigned by PCCF (HoFF), WB & PCCF (General).
a. He / She will be the Member Secretary / WBSFDA.
b. All matter related to the functioning of the WBSFDA.
c. Matters related to preparation and submission of special schemes and non-budgetary resources such as RIDF, RKVY, FVD Scheme, Geetanjali, Green India Mission, FDA & WBFDC Project, Urban Forestry, CSS (100% central share) and IWDP.
d. Matter related to PaschimanchalUnnayanParishad, Uttar Banga, Unnayan Parishad.
e. Matters related to Integrated Action Programme.
f. Budget matters on Medicinal Plants, NTEP, New and Renewable Sources of Energy.
g. Matters related to Nagar Van Scheme, School Nursery etc
He / She is empowered to finally dispose off the following subjects:
a. Review of Audit matters regarding Special Development Projects.
b. Matters related to Consultancies with approval of superiors.
c. His/ Her Controlling Officer will be APCCF (Finance).
d. Any other duties to be assigned by PCCF (HoFF), WB & PCCF (General).
He / She is empowered to finally dispose off the following subjects:
a. Monitoring, compilation and submission of offence reports ( as submitted by DFOs) to PCCF every six months in June & December giving number of UDORs, PORs, CORs, persons arrested, persons sent to court, seizure of vehicles, seizure of timber etc. He should also submit a note giving protection status of forests of State, vis-a-vis the previous hard year, along with his complied report.
b. Monitoring, compilation and submission of the status of on-going court cases (as submitted by divisions) to PCCF giving year wise filing of cases, status of submission of PORs, disposal by trial courts, appeals etc.
c. Biennial meeting of South & North Bengal DFOs, CFs & CCFs with DIGs and SPs.
d. Monitoring and advising on the deployment of Forest Protection Force including submission of a quarterly report to PCCF, WB, giving name of camps, name of camp in-charges. No. of personnel deployed, No. of personnel proceeding on leave during the quarter, No. of times Force was used by Division, man-leave days granted to personnel deployed in camp during the quarter etc.
e. Submission of six-monthly report to PCCF on the status of Forest offences and coordination meetings in June & December.
f. Regular liaison with Police and other Security agencies for intelligence gathering and information networking.
g. He will supervise the Forest Offence Cell and report its activities to the PCCF (HoFF), WB.
h. His / Her Controlling Officer will be PCCF (to be assigned by PCCF (HoFF) WB and PCCF (General).
i. Any other duties to be assigned by PCCF (HoFF), WB & PCCF (General).
a. He / She will be the Nodal Officer for Parliament and Assembly questions, timely submission of their replies to be concerned authority and keeping and collection of the record in this regard in consultation with CCF/HQs, PCCF(HoFF), WB & PCCF (General).
b. All matters concerning all Parliament & Assembly Committees.
c. All the audit matters of the Directorate including submission of the audit queries, dealing with CAG reports. All audit matters should be routed through CCF / HQ.
d. Monitoring of media report on forestry matters of importance and bringing them to notice of PCCF (HoFF), WB
e. His / Her Controlling Officer will be CCF / HQs.
f. He/She will be the controlling officer for DCF/Publicity
g. Any other duties to be assigned by PCCF(HoFF), WB & PCCF (General).
a. All matters related to Forest Conservation Act, 1980 and all land affairs.
b. Matters related to FCA as may be delegated to him by APCCF and Nodal Officer / FCA.
He / She is empowered to finally dispose off the following subjects:
a. Maintain database on forest lands, their notifications, disputed lands, lands diverted for nonforestry purposes and land received for compensatory afforestation.
b. Maintain database of leases / FD Holdings.
c. Maintain database of all judgements in all land matter cases, including land diversion cases,
d. His / Her controlling officer will be APCCF & Nodal Officer / FCA.
e. Any other duties to be assigned by PCCF(HoFF), WB & PCCF (General).
a. Maintain computerized database of Timber Inventory of the Directorate of Forests.
b. He / She will be the Protocol Officer and Office Master of the Office of PCCF(HoFF), WB
c. Matters concerning purchase of uniform.
d. Correspondence and obtaining license etc. Regarding RT network of the Forest Directorate and renewal of the license from the concerned authority.
e. Issues relating to Forest Utilization.
f. Matters regarding Annual Sports Meet and Inter-State Sports Meet.
g. Act as MS for SLC, issue related to Saw mill, licences, renewal of licenses and issuance of licenses to Wood Based Industries
He / She is empowered
a. Approval of Terms & Conditions concerning floating of tenders and quotations concerning the office of the PCCF (HoFF), WB as per Delegation of Financial Powers.
b. His / Her Controlling Officer will be CCF / PGLI.
c. He / She will be the controlling Officer of DCF/LEGAL & DCF (UTILIZATION) Division.
d. Any other duties to be assigned by PCCF (HoFF), WB & PCCF (GENERAL).
a. Duties and responsibilities of the staff of the General (Direction) Division including maintenance of discipline and upkeep of the office.
b. All matters related to General Provident Fund and other loans and advances of all staff of the Directorate.
c. Correspondence and obtaining license etc. regarding RT network of the Forest Directorate and renewal of the license from the concerned authority.
d. Matters regarding Aranya Bhavan at Salt Lake City including the security and upkeep etc.
e. Matters regarding telephones, fax machines and photocopy machines. Computer network including their maintenance and up gradation.
f. Matters regarding Annual Sports Meet and Inter-State Sports Meet.
g. All matters concerning floating of tenders and quotations concerning the office of the PCCF (HoFF), WB as per Delegation and Financial Powers.
He / She is empowered to finally dispose off the following subjects:
a. To act as Drawing & Disbursing Officer of the office of the PCCF (HoFF), WB including timely preparation and submission of Accounts of the office of the PCCF (HoFF), WB.
b. Liaison duties in connection with accommodation in the Forest Rest House for the officers of the Directorate and others outside the Directorate.
c. To coordinate with the office of the Pay & Accounts Office III for clearance of Bills and sorting out technical issues related to payment of bill under HoS related to treasury for the office of PCCF (HoFF) WB.
d. Coordination, control and regulation of Government vehicles kin the pool and requisition from other sources, if necessary including matters of hiring of vehicles.
e. Arrangements of meetings, conference, seminars, workshops, discussions etc. in the office of PCCF (HoFF), WB.
f. Reservation of Circuit House, State Guest House, Banga Bhavan etc. arrangement of vehicles for officers on duty at Delhi.
g. To deal with matters of GST at the office of the PCCF (HoFF), WB.
h. To deal with the matters of Income Tax at the office of the PCCF (HoFF), WB.
i. Supervision and control of AFR-I & AFR-IV and office staff.
j. Purchase of store items for the office of PCCF (HoFF), WB and Forest Department / MICs, Secretariat.
k. Travelling advances and bills of officers and other staff.
l. Upkeep and maintenance of Forest Rest House / Transit accommodation at AE Block, Salt Lake City, Kolkata.
m. Any other duties assigned by the PCCF (HoFF), WB & PCCF (GENERAL).
n. His / Her Controlling Officer will be CCF / HQ.
o. He / She will be the Controlling Officer of the Administrative Officer.
a. All personnel matters related to Group C & D staff and CDLs.
b. Assisting CCF/ PMC & CCF/ GC in all matters in connection with Personnel Management.
c. Duties as assigned from time to time by Additional PCCF (HRD).
d. All matters relating to compassionate ground cases.
e. All matters related to appointment of all Group C & D employee of the W.B. Forest Directorate under compassionate grounds.
He / She is empowered to finally dispose off the following subjects:
a. Safe custody of Declaration of Assets and OPRs of staff of the office of the PCCF (HoFF), WB.
b. Compilation of data regarding establishment returns, vigilance returns of all categories of forest employees and updating the data bank of compassionate ground cases.
c. His / Her controlling Officer will be CCF / PMC.
d. He / She will be the controlling Officer of ADFO / PMC.
e. Any other works assigned by PCCF (HoFF), WB & PCCF (General).
a. Keeping proper records and pursuing court cases regarding Service Matters of all groups of staff, including IFS & WBFS in all the courts viz. CAT, SAT, High Court, Supreme Court etc. where the respondent / appellant is an officer of the office of the PCCF (HoFF),
b. Maintaining liaison with the State Advocates of different courts, Ld. Legal Remembrancer and with the Law Officer of Department of Forests on various cases under various acts and rules made there under.
c. To assist the State Level Committee regarding issuance of licenses to Wood Based Industries.
He / She is empowered to finally dispose of the following subjects:
a. Keeping proper records and pursuing the court case in different courts, where the respondent / appellant is an officer of the Office of the PCCF (HoFF), WB.
b. He / She will be the ASPIO in the Office of the PCCF (HoFF), WB under the RTI ACT.
c. His / Her Controlling Officer will be CF / APM.
d. Any other works assigned by PCCF (HoFF), WB & PCCF (General).
a. Monitoring of submission of monthly accounts of all accounting units of the Forest Directorate on day to day basis.
b. He / She will be the SPIO of the office of the PCCF (HoFF), WB.
c. Assist CCF/MIS & e-Governance.
d. Control of Website.
e. Compilation of annual administrative report and other works related to that
He / She is empowered to finally dispose off the following subjects:
a. Control of Computer Cell.
b. Maintain and collection of comprehensive forest statistics.
c. His / Her Controlling Officer will be CCF / MIS & e-Gov.
d. Any other duties assigned by PCCF (HoFF), WB & PCCF (General).
a. Preparation of budget for the Forest Directorate – Plan, Non- Plan and Centrally Sponsored Schemes and all matters pertaining to them.
b. Pursuing all Treasury related matter with the concerned authorities.
c. Appropriation and control of budget of the Forest Directorate, revised and final stages and all matters connected with them.
d. Monitoring and scrutiny of estimates in connection with budget proposals and their submission for the Government Sanctions.
e. Preparation and submission of Annual Plan & Five Year Plans inclusion of Tribal Sub -Plan, Special component Plan and District Plan.
f. Feedback of progress on expenditure and performances of various schemes.
g. Preparation of schemes and submission of the same to the State Government and Central Government for funding.
h. Preparation of various reports for submission to various Committees, Government of India Meetings, Forest Ministers Meetings, Planning Commission and State Planning Board Meetings.
i. Preparation of necessary documents for the preparation of Forest Minister’s Budget speech etc and its reply.
j. Preparation of necessary documents for the preparation of Finance Minister’s and Governor’s speech.
k. Keeping close liaison with Forest Department for obtaining sanctions and replying to the objections.
l. His/Her Controlling Officer will be CCF/Finance.
m. Any other duties assigned by PCCF (HoFF), WB & PCCF (General)
a. All matters relating to CDLs.
b. Issues relating to Compassionate Ground Cases.
c. Assisting the Deputy Conservator of Forests (Personnel) in all matters.
d. Any other duties assigned by CCF/PMC, CCF/GC, & APCCF/HRD.
e. His/Her Controlling Officer will be Deputy Conservator of forest, Personnel.
a. To look after the court cases relating to the office of the PCCF (HoFF), WB in different courts viz. CAT, SAT, High court, Supreme Court etc. where the respondent/appellant is an officer of the office of the PCCF (HoFF) or file any matter referred to this office from Field Units in consultation with DCF/legal.
b. Maintaining liaison with the State Advocate of different Courts, Ld. Legal Remembrance and with the Law Officer of Department of Forests.
c. Drafting and ruling of Affidavits/Statement of facts/para wise comments required in connection with all court cases where the respondent/appellant is an officer of the office of PCCF (HoFF), WB.
d. Provide legal opinion on any matters relating to directorate of Forests.
e. He/She will be the nodal officer of the Directorate of Forests in interaction with SAARTHAC
f. His/Her Controlling Officer will be CCF/PGLI
g. Any other works assigned by PCCF (HoFF) WB & PCCF (General)
a. Coordinating and overseeing the work of all Head Clerks and other staff of different sections.
b. Supervising the work of general correspondence section including accounts section and implementation of IFMS/HRMS.
c. Statement (monthly) of absence and late attendance of the staff of the PCCF (HoFF) Office and placing the same to DCF (Admn.)
d. Any other duties assigned by PCCF (HoFF), WB, PCCF(General), Additional PCCFs and DCF(Admn.)
Principal Chief Conservator of Forests
& Head of Forest Force, West Bengal