School Education, Duties and Responsibilities , Mid Day Meal
Guidelines on duties and responsibilities of various officials connected with distribution and monitoring of Mid Day Meal in the State of West Bengal.
Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Bikash Bhawan, Bidhannagar
Kolkata – 700 091
No. 111-CS/2011 Dated, June 09, 2011.
From: Samar Ghosh,
Chief Secretary.
To: 1) Commissioner, Kolkata Municipal Corporation.
2) Divisional Commissioner, Burdwan/ Jalpaiguri/ Presidency.
3) District Magistrate, (all districts) …..
4) Chairman, District Primary School Council …… (all districts).
Sub: Guidelines on duties and responsibilities of various officials connected with distribution and monitoring of Mid Day Meal in the State.
Sir/ Madam,
As you are aware the Mid Day Meal Programme is one of the most important flagship programmes implemented jointly by the Central and the State Governments. At present the Programme covers around one crore school children between Class-I and Class-VIII. This is a very vital programme to ensure supply of nutritious food to school children across the country and has tremendous impact on prevention of school dropouts.
It has been observed that there are still some lacunae in implementation of the scheme in the State particularly in the urban areas and also among the upper primary schools. There is also lack of clearly defined duties and responsibilities of officials at every stage to monitor implementation of the scheme at the field level. Accordingly, we have prepared a detailed guideline on the duties and responsibilities of officials implementing the scheme and the same is enclosed for ready perusal. It will be the responsibility of the District Magistrates to ensure that all officials discharge their duties as mentioned in the guidelines within specified time limit. In case of failure the same is immediately brought to the notice of the concerned officials for remedial action. At the same time submission of reports and returns is also vital for appraisal of the scheme at various levels. Accordingly, we have also enclosed various formats of reporting. The District Magistrates will ensure that the reports mentioned at Annexure – I – IV and VII are compiled at the district levels and sent to School Education Department within the specified time limit.
The leadership of the District Magistrates is vital in implementation of this important scheme and I would expect that the District Magistrates will take active interest in satisfactory implementation of this scheme in their districts and ensure that monthly reviews at the Block, Subdivision and District levels are held regularly and follow up action taken on the deficiencies reported at the review meetings. At the State level I shall be holding quarterly review meeting at every quarter, while the Secretary, School Education, Department will review monthly progress at the State level. Such review meetings will not be effective unless your feedback in the concerned formats is sent in time.
Encl: As stated.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- Samar Ghosh