Finance, Deputation , IFMS , WBA&AS
Questions have been raised regarding – How the GPF, LTC etc. of the Officers of West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service, posted on deputation, shall be paid through e-Pradan.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
NABANNA, Howrah – 711102
No. 5663-F(Y) Howrah, the 22nd July, 2015
Consequent upon introduction of e-Payment through e-Pradan module of IFMS w.e.f. 01.04.2015 vide Finance Department Memo. No. 1179-F(Y), dated 25.02.2015, all types of bills, except for a few exemptions, are to be drawn and paid electronically through e-Pradan module.
Now, questions have been raised regarding – (i) how the G.P.F., L.T.C. etc. of the Officers of West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service, posted on deputation, shall be paid through e-Pradan, and (ii) how the medical reimbursement bills of the retired Officers of West Bengal Audit & Accounts Service, i.e. pensioners, shall be paid through e-Pradan.
It is clarified that the claims of GPF, LTC etc. related to Officers of West Bengal Audit & Accounts Service posted on deputation will be drawn and disbursed in the following manner:
iii) In an office having a Government Officer as D.D.O. such claims may be drawn and disbursed by the DDO of their deputation post; and
iv) In an office not having a Government Officer as DDO such claims may be drawn and disbursed by the DDO of Finance Department.
The sanctioning authority i.e., WBA&AS Cell under Group-T of Finance Department shall obtain a mandate in the prescribed Form as per Annexure-II of Finance Deptt. Memorandum No. 4905-F(Y), dated 17.09.2014 and send it to the concerned DDO for making payment through e-Pradan module. The DDO shall enter the Beneficiary data in e-Pradan module under the category “Other”.
Drawal and disbursement of medical reimbursement to the retired Officers of WBA&AS will be guided by the orders issued in this regard from Finance Department, Medical Cell from time to time.
Sd/- G.Samanta
Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal