The e-Services for Employees (ESE) is a new functionality in HRMS module of IFMS which will be used by the employee to update personal information online as and when required.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 2169-F(Y) Date: 18.04.2016
Sub: Introduction of “e-Services for Employees” and insertion of employees’ valid mobile no. in HRMS module of IFMS
The “e-Services for Employees” (ESE) is a new functionality which will be deployed in HRMS module of IFMS very soon. This facility shall be used by the employee to update /change any employees personal information online as and when required. It will also be used by the employee to make Online Applications for leave/ loans & advances/ ACR etc. in various sub-modules of HRMS. Additionally, this facility will allow the employee to access his pay slip/ sanction orders/ transfer orders/ promotion orders/ GPF Statements online by logging into the IFMS/ HRMS system by using the user ID and password of the concerned employee.
One of the pre-requisite for accessing ESE is availability of a valid mobile no. of the concerned employee. It was seen in the past, that though insertion of valid mobile no. was mandatory in e-Pradan for all beneficiaries, often incorrect /invalid mobile no. has been inserted by the DDO in the system.
All communication relating to OTP/ Password during the first time registration into the ESE as well as subsequent change of password and other important communications/ notifications will be made into the employees’ mobile no. provided in the system and any incorrect mobile no. can result in compromising the secrecy of the employee login ID and password causing inconvenience to the employee/ DDO.
Hence, the DDO shall cautiously enter the mobile nos. provided by each employee, in employee master of HRMS in general information page. The DDO shall use the System Generated Format for collecting the employees’ mobile no.
Guidelines for the steps to be taken by the DDO for inserting the correct/ valid mobile no. is available in the download section of
Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal