
e-Tender is Mandatory for Procurement above Rs. 1 Lakh

Finance, 👁️ 936

All the Departments of the State Government will ensure observance of e-tender process for procurements of and above Rs. 1 lakh by their own office and subordinate offices, as well as companies and corporations under their departmental control.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
(FA/O/2M/169/13 (Pt)

No: 3103-F(Y) Date: 27th July, 2022


Mandatory provision of e-tendering was included in Note-2 below Rule 47(8) of WBFR as amended vide notification No. 5400-F(Y) dated 25.06.2012 and base level of Rs. 50 lakh for mandatory E-tendering was brought down to Rs. 5 lakh vide notification No. 6932-F(Y) dated 29.08.2013. Now in the interest of furtherance of the benefit associated with e-tendering process in the public procurement and disposal, it has been decided that the base-level of Rs. 5 lakh for mandatory e-tendering process is reduced to Rs. 1 lakh.

Now therefore, in exercise of the power conferred by Clause (3) of Article 166 of the Constitution of India, the Governor is pleased hereby to make the following amendments in Note-2 below the Rule 47(8) of WBFR Vol-I.

Note-2 below Rule 47(8)- “For tender value of Rs. 5 lakh and above, e-tendering through the centralized e-tender Portal [http://wbtenders.gov.in] is mandatory, in addition to publication in print media” is replaced with “For tender value of Rs. 1 lakh and above, e-tendering through the centralized e-tender Portal [http://wbtenders.gov.in] is mandatory, in addition to publication in print media”.

This order is applicable to all state Government offices and state Public Sector Undertakings/ Urban Local Bodies/ Rural Local Bodies/ Boards/ Councils/ Statutory Bodies/ Development Authorities etc. under the administrative control of the state Government Departments.

This order will take immediate effect.

Sd/- Manoj Pant
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 3103-F dated 27.07.2022, Source

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