All the Departments of the State Government will ensure observance of e-tender process for procurements of and above Rs. 5 lakh by their own office and subordinate offices, as well as companies and corporations under their departmental control.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 3060-F(Y) Dated, 11th June, 2014
E-tender through the state Government e-tender portal of has been made mandatory for procurement valued at and above Rs. 5 lakh vide FD notification no. 6932-F(Y) dt. 29.8.13. Later a memorandum was issued from Finance Department vide no. 1160-F(Y) dt. 28.2.14 reiterating the provisions of mandatory e-tender through the state Government portal mentioned above.
It has come to the notice of the state Government that some departments of the state Government and parastatals under the state Government control are yet to adopt the e-tender through the state Government e-tender portal. The State Government has been considering adoption of some measures to curb this tendency of avoiding e-tender through the e-tender portal, for Government procurements.
The undersigned is, therefore, directed by order of the Governor to say that all the Departments of the State Government will ensure observance of e-tender process through only for procurements of and above Rs. 5 lakh by their own office and subordinate offices, as well as companies and corporations under their departmental control.
In case of any lapse on the part of the companies and corporations to process procurements of and above Rs. 5 lakh through, the controlling Department may stop releasing fund to those parastatals until the e-tender process through the state Government e-tender portal is adopted by them.
Sd/-H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal