
e-Vahan and e-Sarathi – Implementation Steps

Transport, ,

Transport Department has considered related steps on business process reengineering for implementation of e-Vahan and e-Sarathi along with introduction of the said applications.

Government of West Bengal
Transport Department
Paribahan Bhawan
12, R.N. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata – 700 001

No: 3433-WT/TR/O/1E(C)-40/16 Date: 02.09.2016


e-Vahan and e-Sarathi will be introduced in the State very shortly and in a phased manner in all the motor vehicles offices. The State Government in the Transport Department has considered related steps on business process reengineering in this regard along with introduction of the said applications and has accordingly decided to direct as follows:

1. Pre-printed Forms: All pre-printed forms for grant/ renewal of Certificate of Fitness, Permit, etc. will be done away with. Instead, the same will be printed in plain paper only and handed over to the recipients.

The print outs shall contain specific QR code too.

Registration Certificates and Driving Licences are kept out of such scope.

2. E-Receipts: Similarly, use of pre-printed Receipts and Tokens shall be discontinued and system-generated e-receipts only will be handed over to the payee. In case of web based payments, the same can be downloaded and printed by the payee.

The print outs shall contain specific QR code too.

No further receipts or tokens shall be required. Notification vide No. 3432-WT/TR/O/1E(C)-40/16 dated- 02.09.2016 has been issued to that effect.

3. State Administrator: Sri Tamal Kumar Das, Nodal Officer, Transport Department will act as the State Administrator for e-Vahan and e-Sarathi, until further orders.

4. Receipt Master: A single set of receipt number will be maintained for any particular office only. The system-generated sequence shall be: “State Code – Office Code – Year – Month – Number”.

5. Registration Series: The present practice of use of two sets of registration series for each office, one for non-transport and one for transport will continue. But, no further sub-allocation of those series with respect to any specific vehicle class like two wheelers will be allowed.

This is issued in supersession of all orders issued before in this respect and will remain in force until further notification.

Sd/- B Dasgupta
Special Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 3433-WT dated 02.09.2016

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