
Issue of e-Receipts through e-Vahan and e-Sarathi

Transport, , , 👁️ 161

To allow issuance of system-generated e-receipts through web based applications e-Vahan and e-Sarathi only against payments made at any motor vehicles office.

Government of West Bengal
Transport Department
Paribahan Bhaban
12, R. N. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata – 700 001

No. 3432-WT/TR/O/1E(C)-40/16 Date: 02.09.2016


Whereas, the State Government has decided to introduce e-Vahan and e-Sarathi in the State;

And Whereas, e-Vahan and e-Sarathi are web based applications and there are provisions for making web based payments using the GRIPS portal;

And Whereas, specific proposal has been received for enabling provisions for issuance of system-generated e-receipts through e-Vahan and e-Sarathi;

And Whereas, Finance Department has concurred to the proposal for introduction of system-generated e-receipts through e-Vahan and e-Sarathi in lieu of all receipts and/ or tokens vide their u. o. no. gr. T/2016-2017/0288 dated 01/08/2016;

NOW, THEREFORE, the Governor is pleased to allow issuance of system-generated e-receipts through the web based applications e-Vahan and e-Sarathi only, in place of the existing practice of issuance of receipts and/ or tokens, against payments made at any motor vehicles office of this State. In case of web based payments preferred by any payee, system-generated e-receipt shall be downloaded and printed by the payee and the same shall be treated by all concerned as the prescribed receipt and/ or token, as if the same has been issued over the counter from any motor vehicles office of this State in terms of provisions of the West Bengal Motor Vehicles Tax Act, 1979 and the West Bengal Additional and One Time Tax on Motor Vehicles Act, 1989.

This will come into effect from the date of introduction of e-Vahan and e-Sararthi in this State.

By order of the Governor

Sd/- B Dasgupta
Special Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 3432-WT dated 02.09.2016