Madrasah Education, Education Loan
WBMDFC invites applications for Education Loan for the year 2016-17 from students belonging to Minority Communities. Last Date of submission is 31.10.2016.
West Bengal Minorities Development & Finance Corporation
(A Statutory Corporation of Govt. of West Bengal)
An ISO 9001-2008 Certified Organization
Amber, DD-27/E, Sector – 1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700 064
Inviting Online Application for Education Loan for the year 2016-17 [for Minority Students]
Technical/ Professional courses at Under Graduate/ Post Graduate level or short term courses under recognized Institutes of West Bengal and other states of India. Details of eligible courses may be seen at WBMDFC’s website
The Eligibility Criteria are as follows:
1. He/ She must be the citizen of India and domicile of West Bengal.
2. His/ Her annual family income should not exceed Rs. 81000/- in rural areas and Rs. 103000/- in urban areas.
3. He/ She should have obtained minimum 50% marks in the last final examination of the Board/ University.
4. His/her age should not more than 32 years.
5. Applicable with @ 3% interest charged per annum.
General Terms & Conditions:
1. The eligible students are to apply Online at and after finalizing print out a hard copy.
2. Students are required to submit duly signed the printed version of their online applications to their respective institutes for verification of information given in the online application. The hard copy of the online application is to be certifying by the head of the respective institute and student will submit the authenticated to WBMDFC’s Head Office.
3. CBS Bank Account to be opened jointly in the name of student and parent or legal guardian, if selected.
4. Eligible students are required to provide eligible guarantors and execute other relevant documents, if selected.
5. The hard copy of the online application will be submitted duly signed by the Institute along with undernoted documents.
(i) Fees Structure & Bonafide certificate from college and age proof (Madhyamick Admit Card) of the eligible student.
(ii) Annual family Income Certificate from MP/MLA/SDO/BDO/Pradhan/Councilor or Chairman of the concerned Municipality.
(iii) Self attested copy of Marks Sheet of the last qualifying examination of the Board/ University.
6. Date of submission of hardcopy of online application is up to 31.10.16.
Details may be seen at WBMDFC’s website or contact the Enquiry Office of WBMDFC.’s HO.
7. Only Technical and Professionals course is Eligible for Education Loan.
LAST DATE: 31/10/2016
Sd/- Managing Director