School Education, Re-Employment
To enable New Setup Upper Primary Schools to be operationalised from the start of the academic year until formal engagement of teachers for those Schools are made upon the recommendation of WBSSC.
Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Elementary Education Branch
Bikash Bhavan, 5th floor, Salt Lake, Kolkata-91
No. 119-SE(EE)/RTE Cell-41/2013/P-1 Date: 12.2.2015
Whereas there is need to operationalize the “New Setup Upper Primary Schools” in West Bengal with requirement of teaching staff till such selection is completed through West Bengal School Service Commission “Engagement of Guest Teacher” is needed.
This scheme will enable New Setup Upper Primary Schools to be operationalised from the start of the academic year by engaging required number of Guest Teachers until formal engagement of teachers for those Schools are made upon the recommendation of WBSSC.
i) Only those teachers who have retired at the age of 60 years as full time approved graduate Primary and Secondary teachers and are below 64 years of age may apply seeking engagement as “Guest teacher” in New Setup Upper Primary Schools.
ii) The retired teacher should be physically fit and mentally alert to discharge the duties of Guest Teachers’ in the school in which he/she would be engaged full time for 6 (six) days in a week during school hours and to perform the related duties like invigilation/ scrutiny of answer scripts tutorials, unit based periodical test and summative tests etc.
iii) Teachers who have been made to retire compulsorily as punishment or voluntarily due to illness or for other type of in capacitance or have been charged /convicted of moral turpitude or for any criminal offence would not be considered for such engagement even if he/she was exonerated from the charges.
iv) Preference will be given to teachers who have retired from the same/ neighboring schools.
The period of engagement should be up to six months or until regular teachers join the schools whichever is earlier. No Guest teacher will be allowed to continue beyond 65 years of age. Engagement may be renewable beyond six months upon fulfillment of the following conditions:-
(a) The regular teachers are not appointed on recommendation of the West Bengal School Service Commission.
(b) The retired teacher is physically fit and mentally alert to discharge the duties satisfactorily.
(c) The retired teacher is willing to continue to work as guest teacher on remuneration as per Government order.
(d) The age of the said teacher must be less than 65 years on the date of renewal.
(a) Rs. 5000/-(fixed) (Rupees Five Thousand only) per month for graduate teacher in re-employment.
(b) Rs. 7000/-(fixed) (Rupees Seven Thousand only) per month for Hons/Post Graduate teacher in re-employment.
i) Each school will be permitted to engage Guest teachers in vacant posts only.
ii) A New Setup Upper Primary School having less than 4(four) teaching staff will place the requisition for Guest Teacher to the DI’s (SE) concerned. The D.Is. (SE) concerned will allow the school for appointment of Guest Teachers to the vacant posts so that the total teaching strength of that school will be 4 (four) including regular teachers or not more than one teacher for each class. The DI/S (SE) concerned will publish one notice which will be displayed on his office, office of the DPSC and Block and panchayet offices for wide publication.
iii) The School Authority on receiving approval from the DI/S (SE) will engage the teacher having qualification and under terms and conditions as stated in this order. On receiving more than one application for one post the AD-hoc committee of the school and in absence of Ad-hoc Committee the DI/S(SE) concerned will form a 3 (three) member selection committee as per their discretion. The decision of the selection committee shall be final.
iv) After engagement, the school authority will inform the DI/S (SE) concerned about the engagement and submit bills separately for payment of remuneration after completion of one month.
v) The DI/S (SE) will send details of such engagements to the CSE, WB. Every engagement will be automatically terminated as soon as the regular teacher joins the school.
vi) Each Guest Teacher will have to sign and return the ‘Acknowledgement of Offer of Engagement’ stating that he/she has gone through the Offer of Engagement, will abide by the terms and conditions, perform the duties as per routine and other duties assigned to him/her, etc. He /She is agreeable to the condition further that no compensation can be claimed for his/her part in the event of termination of his/her engagement at any time.
Casual Leave and Medical Leave as admissible to Regular Upper Primary teachers, will also be admissible to these “Guest Teachers”.
7. The fund for this purpose will be met out of the budgetary allocation made under the following head of account as stated in G.O. No. 674-SE(S) dated 30.05.2008.
8. The Governor is further pleased to declare that District Inspector of Schools (SE) of the district concerned will function as D.D.O. for the Head of Account mentioned above.
The following procedure for disbursement of salary to the ‘Guest Teachers’ will be followed:-
i. The Pay bills of New Setup up Upper Primary Schools will be prepared by the S.I. of schools & Member Secretary of the school concerned and placed before D.I. of schools (SE) concerned for signature and authorization to S.I. of Schools concerned to receive the cheque from Treasury and to act as Disbursing Officer for the New Setup up Upper Primary School.
ii. The Ad-hoc Committee/ Management Committee will open a Bank a/c in the name of the school and S.I. of Schools will deposit the received from Treasury to the said account.
iii. The disbursement of salary to the Guest Teacher will be done in Cash or through a/c payee Cheque as may be decided by the Ad-hoc Committee/ Management Committee.
10. This order issues with concurrence of Finance Department, West Bengal vide their U.O. NO. 2310- Gr.P (Service) dated 14.08.2012.
11. Accountant General, West Bengal is being informed accordingly.
12. This order issues upon modification of this Department’s order No. 674-SE(S)/3S-38/07 dated 30/05/2008 and in supersession of all other orders on the subject.
Sd/- Secretary
to the Government of West Bengal