Government of West Bengal
School Education Department (Primary Branch)
Bikash Bhawan, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 091
No. 277-SE(P)/10M-6/09 (Pt-I) Dated. 28.03.2012
In pursuance of the provisions of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 under Section 23 and subsequent notification issued by the academic authority viz. National Council of Teachers Education (NCTE) vide No. 6103/20/2010/NCTE /(N&S) dt. 23.8.2010, the Govt. in School Education Deptt. issues the following circular as to the requisite qualifications of Primary School Teachers who are already in service:
1) A teacher appointed prior to 03.09.2001 i.e. the date on which the NCTE (Determination of Minimum Qualifications for Recruitment of Teachers in Schools) Regulations, 2001 (as amended from time to time) came into force will be guided by the prevalent Recruitment Rules of the State Government. Such teachers need not have to upgrade their academic qualifications nor have to acquire teacher training qualification.
2) Minimum qualifications of a teacher appointed on or after 3rd September, 2001 but before 23rd August, 2010 (i.e. the date on which the revised Notification of NCTE, 2010 has been published) shall go by the norms as prescribed vide NCTE (Determination Minimum Qualification for Recruitment of Teachers in Schools) Regulations, 2001 (as amended from time to time).
As per the Revised NCTE (Determination of Minimum Qualifications for Recruitment of Teachers in School ) Regulation 2001 as amended from time, to time the required qualification for Primary Teachers are as below.
Pry. Teachers appointed from 03.09.2001 to 26.12.2005:-
i) Senior Secondary School Certificate or intermediate or its equivalent
ii) Diploma or Certificate in basic teachers’ training of a duration not less than two years
Bachelor of Elementary Education (B. El. Ed)
Pry. Teacher appointed-from 27.12.2005 to 09.12.2007:-
i) At least 45% marks is the Senior Secondary Examination (+2) or its equivalent
ii) Diploma or certificate in basic teachers, training for a duration not less than two years
Bachelor of Elementary Education (E. El Ed)
Pry. Teachers appointed from 10.12 2007 to 22.08.2010:-
i) At least 50% marks in Senior Secondary Examination (+2) or its equivalent
ii) Diploma or certificate in basic teachers’ training of a duration of not less than two years
Bachelor of Elementary Education (B. El. Ed)
Such teachers shall have to acquire academic qualification as well as Teacher Training qualifications from NCTE recognized institution by 31.03 .2015, if not already done;
Primary Teachers who have already completed one year PTT Course from State Govt. approved Institutions and subsequently not completed D. El. Ed. Course will have to undergo one year Bridge Course to be conducted by West Bengal Board of Primary Education in NCTE recognised PTTIs by 31.03.2015.
3) Minimum qualification of a teacher appointed on or after 23.8.2010 shall be guided by the NCTE regulation, 2010, which is noted below:-
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 2-years Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known)
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 45% marks and 2-years Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever, name known), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure), Regulations 2002.
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4-years Bachelor of Elementary Education (B. El. Ed)
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 2-years Diploma in Education (Special Education).
Graduation and two year Diploma in elementary Education (by whatever name known).
It therefore notified that as per proviso to Sec.23 of the RTE Act, those Primary Teachers who do not possess the above qualifications have to upgrade their qualifications within a period of 5 years from the date of coming into force of the Act i.e. by 31.03.2015. Thus all such Primary teachers who do not possess such qualifications are hereby called up to upgrade their qualifications or obtain required training qualification as specified above.
To facilitate such acquiring of higher qualifications or upgrade existing qualification {he State Govt. has already taken up the cause with National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) for providing opportunity to such teachers who need to acquire or upgrade their qualifications as above. Necessary circular in this regard will be issued in due course.
Similarly for those teachers who do not possess the required qualifications will have to apply for admission to D.El.Ed. Course through Open & Distance Learning (ODL) method. The State Govt. has already arranged with NCTE for conduct of such D.El.Ed. Course by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education (WBBPE), Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) or National Institute of Open Schooling and necessary circular regarding conduct of such course will be issued in due course.
For the present all Primary Teachers who do possess the required minimum qualification or the required training Diploma need to immediately register themselves with the District Primary School Council (DPSC) for either or both of the above qualifications through a written application in the form annexed with that Notification. The application in the prescribed format need be duly certified by Head of the Institute where the teacher is presently posted.
For the present all Primary Teachers who do not possess the required minimum qualification or the required training Diploma need to immediately register themselves with the District Primary School Council (DPSC) for either or both of the above qualifications through a written application in the form annexed with that Notification. (Corrigendum)
The Last date for such registration with the respective DPSC, is 30.06.2012. Those teachers who do not register with the DPSC for either or both of the courses will be assumed to have already in possession to the required qualification or training. In case such teachers are found to be short of the required minimum qualification as prescribed above may face severe consequences after 31.03.2015, the last date for up-gradation of qualification.
These facilities for up-gradation of Educational qualification or training will also be available to Para Teachers, Siksha Bandhus, Siksha Mitras and other contractual teachers who would like to up-grade their qualifications and training. ‘In this case they may register themselves with the DPO Office in prescribed format annexed to this Notification.
Contractual Teachers now deployed in Secondary /Higher Secondary Schools may apply for up-gradation of their qualification in teacher education to the respective District Inspector of Schools (SE) in place of DPO, SS. (Corrigendum)
This Notification is issued in the interest of and for information of all Primary Teachers in the State who have been duly appointed to any Govt./Govt. Aided/Sponsored Primary Schools in the State.
By order of the Governor
Sd/- Principal Secretary
School Education Department
No. 277-SE dated 28.03.2012
Application Form
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