
Upgradation of Qualification of Pry. Teachers as per RTE Act

School Education, , 👁️ 693

Teachers appointed from 01.01.2006 onwards should possess at least 50% marks in H.S. Examination or equivalent and 2 years Diploma in Teacher Training Course (D. El. Ed.); or should be Graduate from recognised University.

Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Elementary Education Branch
Bikash Bhawan, Bidhannagar, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-91

No. 389(38)-SE(EE)/PTTI-7/11, Date: 13.08.2012.

From: A. Roy, Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal

To: 1-19) The Chairman, District Primary School Council ……………………………………….. (all districts)
20-38) The District Inspector of Schools (PE) ……………………………………………………… (all districts)

Subject: Up-gradation of qualifications of Pry. School Teachers as per provision of RTE Act, 2009.

Ref: 1. NCTE Notification No. 61-03/20/2010/NCTE/N&S dt. 03.08.2010
2. NCTE Notification F. No. 61-1/2011/NCTE/N&S dt. 29.07.2011
3. NCTE Letter No. 62-5/2008/NCTE/N&S (Pt)/A 53953 dt. 04.07.2012
4. This Department No. 277-SE (P)/10M-6/09 (Pt) dt. 28.03.2012


As per stipulation under Section 23(2) of RTE Act, 2009 all school teachers who are engaged for teaching in elementary classes shall possess the requisite minimum qualifications as prescribed by the competent authority and if the existing teacher do not have the said minimum qualifications they shall acquire such qualifications within a period of five years from the date of enforcement of the Act.

Now, being authorized by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India as the academic authority, the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) has prescribed the minimum qualifications of teachers vide Notification Nos. as stated above.

The State Government has meanwhile initiated all effective measure to upgrade the qualifications of the teachers who do not possess the same as per requirement of NCTE. It has been decided that enhancement of minimum academic qualifications of Pry. School Teachers will be done through National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) and West Bengal Council of Rabindra Open Schooling (WBCROS); and the responsibility of providing Teacher Training Course (D. El. Ed) will be vested upon West Bengal Broad of Primary Education (WBBPE) through open and distance learning (ODL) mode.

Now, this Department deems it necessary to clarify certain points on the relevant issues as furnished below:

1) Teachers appointed prior to 3 September, 2001 shall go by State Government norms and they need not have to up-grade their qualifications.

2) Teachers appointed between 3rd September, 2001 to 31st December, 2005 possessing academic qualification as per State Government norms and completed one yr/2yrs Teacher training course from State recognised Institutions are not required to enhance their qualifications as per note 2 under first schedule to the NCTE (Determination of minimum qualifications for Recruitment of Teachers in Schools) Regulation 2001 dt. 4th September,2001 published in terms of F. No. 9-2/2001/NCTE dated 03.09.2001.

3) Teachers appointed from 01.01.2006 onwards should possess at least 50% marks in H.S. Examination or equivalent (45% in case of candidates belonging to reserved category and Exempted Category) and 2 years Diploma in Teacher Training Course (D. El. Ed.); or should be Graduate from recognised University (with any percentage of marks) with 2 years Diploma in Elementary Education.

4) Primary school teachers appointed after 03.09.2001 having B. Ed or equivalent qualification shall be required to obtain 6 months Special Training to be conducted with the approval of the National Council for Teacher Education.

It is now clarified that any teaching personnel appointed on or after 03.09.2001 having deficiency in the aforesaid qualifications shall have to up-grade his/her academic qualification to the extent of 50% marks in H.S. (45% in case of reserved candidates as well as candidates belonging to Exempted category) if he/she is not a Graduate from a recognised university (with any percentage of marks); and thereafter/simultaneously he/she will have to undergo 2 years Diploma Course in Elementary Education. However if any candidate completes one yr. Course in Teacher Training from State recognised Institution on or before 31.12.2005, another one year’s Bridge Course in Teacher Education shall meet his Teacher Training requirement and same will be treated as equivalent to D. El. Ed.

It may further be clarified that if a candidate is deficient in both academic and teacher training qualifications, he/she will be allowed to pursue both courses simultaneously on the condition that final examination result of teacher training course will be withheld till attainment of 50% marks in Higher Secondary Examination.

It is presumed that you have already collected bio-data of all Pry. School teachers under your control in pursuance of this Department No. 277-SE (P)/10M-6/09 (Pt) dt. 28. 03. 2012. I would now request you to furnish a report on the following points as per proforma to this Department by 17.08.2012 positively.


Name of District Primary School Council:

No. of teachers who have completed One yr. PTT Course and now require One yr. Bridge Course through ODL mode:
No. of teachers require two yrs. D. El. Ed. Course through ODL mode:
No. of teachers who completed B. Ed. course and now require six months Spl. Training course:
No. of teachers who require enhancement of Academic qualification-
(a) H.S. with 50% marks (Candidates Passed Madhyamik only):
(b) Enhancement of Marks in H.S. (candidates passed H.S. but obtained below 50% marks):

Yours faithfully,

Sd/- Secretary

No. 389-SE dated 13.08.2012.