School Education, Para Teacher
Acquiring of higher academic qualification (up to HS or +2 level with at least 50 percent marks) is allowed through Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Mode only, without hampering normal duties as a para-teacher in the school.
Paschim Banga Sarva Shiksha Mission
Memo No. 668/ADMN/PBSSM/14/PED/PBSSM, Date: 31.05.2013
A number of primary para-teachers are willing to acquire higher academic qualification of H.S. (+2) with at least 50% marks through NIOS or WBCROS in the ODL Mode on their own, as it is necessary as per NCTE norms.
Considering the above situation I am directed to order that, if any para-teacher of primary school would like to enhance her/ his qualification, S/he may do the same on the following terms and conditions:-
1. Acquiring of higher academic qualification (up to HS or +2 level with at least 50% marks) is allowed through “Open and Distance Learning” (ODL) Mode only, without hampering her/ his normal duties as a para-teacher in the school.
2. S/he shall not be entitled to any study leave/ special leave for this purpose. However, for appearing at the examination S/he may utilize the holidays, and/or admissible leave at her/ his credit.
3. The aspiring para-teacher shall take prior permission from the concerned District Project Officer, SSA by making an application through the VEC/ WEC/ SMC (as the case may be), and Circle Project Co-ordinator mentioning the name of the Board/ Council/ University and the “Study Centre” where S/he is willing to get enrolled for the ODL course and the duration of such programme.
4. On acquiring such higher qualification through ODL mode, the para-teacher shall not be entitled to any increase/ enhancement in consolidated remuneration in any form.
All concerned be informed accordingly.
Sd/- State Project Officer
Paschim Banga Sarva Shiksha Mission