Madrasah Education, School Education, Scholarship
In case of class I to VIII, it is offline, whereas the students of class IX and X have to submit it online. But from the report, it is revealed that the progress of submission of form is not satisfactory.
Government of West Bengal
Director of School Education
Bikash Bhavan, 7th Floor
Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700 091
Memo No. 311-Exam Date: 05.07.2015
Commissioner of School Education, West Bengal
District of Schools (Primary Education) (All Districts)
District of Schools (Secondary Education) (All Districts)
Subject: Ensuring full coverage of eligible Minority students for Pre-Matric Scholarship.
In connection with the subject mentioned above it may be stated that submission of application form for Pre Matric Scholarship is under process. In case of class I to VIII, it is offline, whereas the students of class IX and X have to submit it online. But from the report, it is revealed that the progress of submission of form is not satisfactory. For full coverage of the scheme, the following steps may kindly be taken:
i) That the last date of submission of application for Pre-Matric scholarship has been extended upto 31st August, 2015, the same may again be informed to all the schools.
ii) The school authority may be instructed to ensure that all the eligible students submit their application for Pre-Matric Scholarship within the stipulated period.
iii) For successful implementation of the scheme Gram Panchayat level awareness camp has been organised. All the Headmaster/ Headmistress may be instructed to attend the said campus as and when possible.
iv) The special arrangement for online application in camp mode has been scheduled on 11th, 12th, 13th August, 2015 at gram Panchayat level. The Head master of all High and Higher Secondary schools may be instructed to guide the students to avail of that opportunity for submitting online application.
v) For the purpose of calculating the percentage of marks in the last examination the result of Summative and Formative evaluation may be taken into consideration as informed by the Minority Affairs and Madrasha Education Department.
vi) School-wise application submission report shall be sent to this office weekly through email with copy to Managing Director, WBMDFC
All concerned may be instructed accordingly.
Commissioner of School Education
West Bengal