Nominations submitted through e-Services for Employee or entered in HRMS by the HOO Approver on behalf of the employee shall have to be approved by the Head of Office after proper verification.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 5951-F(Y) Dated 14th September, 2018
Sub: Online Entry and acceptance of Nomination and Family Details in HRMS
The State Government has successfully implemented Human Resource Management System (HRMS) in a phased manner to digitize the entire process starting from entry of Government employee into Government Service to exit there from. Exit Management Sub-Module of HRMS has already been introduced. This Sub-Module contains all the process relating to:
i. Online sanction of Pension on superannuation, death, termination, resignation, voluntary retirement, etc. by a Pension Sanctioning Authority.
ii. Facility for entering Nomination and Family Details of a Government employee through e-Services for Employees (eSE) in IFMS.
2. As proper records of Nomination and Family Details are at times not readily available, ascertaining the family pensioner(s) and settlement of claims in case of death of an employee takes a long time. The State Government was considering since some time past to digitize all Nomination and Family Details submitted by an employee and enable the employee to update such information in HRMS in a hassle-free manner.
3. Now, the Governor is pleased to decide the introduction of an online facility in HRMS for capturing (i) Family Members details; and (ii) Nomination for the purposes of Final Payment of (a) GPF (b) Death Gratuity (c) Arrears of Pension (d) GISS for all State Government Employees.
4. The following procedures are required to be followed to incorporate the entry of Nomination in HRMS:
i. Nominations shall be entered online by the employees using their own user credentials i.e. the HRMS Login ID (Unique ID) and password created by them for e-Services for Employee (eSE) in IFMS Portal. In case the employee himself/herself cannot enter his/her Nomination in HRMS, the Head of Office (HOO) Approver/ Operator can enter the Nomination on behalf of the employee in HRMS.
ii. Nominations submitted through e-Services for Employee (eSE) by the employee or entered in HRMS by the HOO Approver/ Operator on behalf of the employee shall have to be approved by the Head of Office in HRMS after proper verification.
iii. Nominations which have been submitted before issuance of this Order in hard copy shall also have to be entered by the employee himself/herself or Head of Office Approver/ Operator on his/her behalf and approved by Head of Office in HRMS. If there is no change in Nomination, physical submission date of such nomination shall also be recorded. If there is change in Nomination, that should be treated as new Nomination.
iv. Approval of Nomination by Head of Office in HRMS is to be treated as Acceptance of Nomination by Head of Office.
v. Every Nomination and change in Nomination shall take effect from the date on which it is approved by the Head of Office in HRMS. However, if the employee dies before the Nomination is accepted by the Head of Office, the date of Nomination shall take effect from the date on which the application has been made by the employee.
vi. Any Nomination, after acceptance by the Head of Office may be downloaded by the employee and kept for his/her personal record.
vii. Nomination in HRMS can be accepted by Head of Office using Digital Signature Certificate Only.
5. This order shall take immediate effect and will be applicable for the State Government employees having valid HRMS Unique ID at present. Henceforth, copies of Nomination Form generated from HRMS shall be forwarded to the Accountant General, West Bengal or any other authority, as applicable.
6. Necessary amendments in respective Rules shall be made in due course.
This has concurrence of Gr. J of this Department vide File No. FIN-11011(15)/11/2018-EGOV GROUP-Dept. of FIN
Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal