Revised Scale No. 10 should be read as Rs. 4,650/- instead of Rs. 4,800/- in West Bengal Service Revision of Pay and Allowances Rules, 1998.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 8926-F(P), Dated: 02.11.2012
It has been brought to notice that an error has crept in printing the revised figure of pay of the existing Table of ready reckoner as published under WBS (ROPA) Rules, 1998 for fixation of pay in revised pay scale No. 10 (Rs. 4500 – 9,700/-) vide Notification No. 7306-F, dated 16.10.1998 which shows an erroneous figure in the revised pay corresponding to the stage pay of Rs. 1,525/- in the unrevised scale of Rs. 1390 – 2970/- under WBS (ROPA) Rules, 1990.
In the circumstances, the Governor has now been pleased to order that revised pay under WBS (ROPA) Rules, 1998 in the Scale No. 10 (Rs. 4500 – 9,700/-) against the unrevised stage of Rs. 1,525/- in the unrevised pay scale No. 10 (Rs. 1390 – 2,970/-) should be read as Rs. 4,650/- instead of Rs. 4,800/- as shown erroneously. Column 6 entry in the said table at page 32 of ready reckoner for fixation of pay under WBS (ROPA) Rules, 1998 published under the Calcutta Gazette Ex-ordinary, October 16, 1998 stands modified accordingly to that extent. All concerned may be informed accordingly for taking necessary action in this respect.
By Order of the Governor,
Sd/- A.K. Das
OSD & E.O. Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department