
Extension of Tenure of Managing Committee in Madrasah, 2017

Madrasah Education,

Extension of the tenure of Managing Committees/ Ad hoc Committees/ Administrators of non-Govt. Junior High, High and Senior Madrasahs, 2017.

West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education
19, Haji Md Mohsin Square, Kolkata – 700016.

Memo:- 1685-M.C. Date: 16.12.2016

From:- The Secretary
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education

To:- The Heads of all recognized Junior High, High, and Senior Madrasah.

Sub:- Extension of the tenure of Managing Committees/ Ad hoc Committees/ Administrators of non-Govt. Junior High, High and Senior Madrasahs (aided & unaided) recognized by West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education.

In terms of the notification No. 1007-MD/O/12M-9/09 dated the 7th July 09 issued by the Government in the Minority Affairs and Madrasah Education department Govt. of West Bengal read with Board’s Circular No. 2301(572)/Aca dated 14.8.2009, stipulating the duration of academic session from 1 January to 31st December the President, West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education, in exercise of the power conferred upon him under sub-section (2) of section 21 of West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education Act 1994, has been pleased to grant extension of the tenure of the Managing Committees/ Ad-hoc Committees/ Administrators of Non-Govt Recognized Madrasah up to 5.5.2017 for the madrasah, where reconstitution will be due within the period of 1st January 2017 to 15.3.2017.

Where the term of Managing Committees/ Ad-hoc Committees/ Administrators is valid up to 31/12/16 and election in guardian category has been completed within 31/12/16, then the term of Managing Committees/ Ad-hoc Committees/ Administrators is extended up to 15.05.2017 or till the completion of the office bearers election whichever is earlier.

Where the term of Managing Committees/ Ad-hoc Committees/ Administrators is valid up to 31/12/16 but the election in guardian category is not held within the period, they may pray for extension of the term with proper proposal & programme of election after 15/03/17 as per rule.

The Board however, reserves the right to appoint Administrator/ Ad- hoc Committee where the same would be necessary for administrative reason. The above Circular is not applicable to the Madrasah where any contrary order from the Hon’ble Court prevails.

In case of any doubt or dispute in the matter of holding election at any stage, the matter shall be referred to West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education whose decision thereon, shall be final.

Sd/- Secretary
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education

No. 1685-MC dated 16.12.2016

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