West Bengal Board of Primary Education “Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan” DK 7/1, Sector II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091
No. 241/WBBPE/D.EL.ED./2022 Date: 20/10/2022
In continuation of our earlier notification under no. 232/BPE/D.EI.Ed./2022, dated 23/09/2022 to this effect, all concerned are hereby informed that the Part-II External Practical Examination in School Internship including Practice Teaching (Practicum-3) for of the valid Part-II-candidates of 2020-2022 Session, including Supplementary/ Continuing candidates, will be held all over the state in the concerned D El Ed Institutions and primary schools (for teaching demonstration), to be selected by the respective Heads of such D.EI.Ed Institutions and approved by the concerned District Inspector of Schools (PE), between 01/11/2022 and 19/11/2022 as per the following guidelines:
All the Heads of the concerned D El Ed Institutions are requested to hold the examinations in accordance with the given guidelines and help the Board to conduct the said examination smoothly.
A. Guidelines for School Internship including Practice Teaching (External):
The date/s of such examination will be notified by the respective heads of the Institutions after fixing the date/s in consultation with the external examiners, appointed by the Board. In no circumstances, such examination should be held before 01.11.2022 or after 19.11.2022.
After fixing the date and notifying them accordingly for the valid Part-II-students well ahead of the schedule, the Heads of the Institute should contact the Head Teachers of the selected Venue Primary School and request them to make sure the availability of primary school children in the classes from Classes-I-IV (as the case may be).
The full marks of such external examination is 100.
A lesson-plan note book, containing four lessons of primary classes (One each on Language-1, Language-2, Mathematics and Environmental Sciences), not planned and delivered earlier, will have to be submitted by the examinees to the external evaluator for evaluation.
The four lesson plans on four subjects of classes-I-IV will be evaluated on the spot.
The full marks of this part of evaluation is 30 (4×7.5).
Classroom-demonstration on any two of the four lessons, planned and submitted for final evaluation, one of which must be on language, will be evaluated by means of live teaching demonstrations in the Primary schools (to be selected by the Heads of respective DIETs and PTTIs).
The full marks for classroom demonstration is 50 (2×25).
Twenty marks are given on the assessment of the evidences/ reports of any two of the following ‘other internship activities’, performed during the internship: (2×10).
Such reports, duly certified as performed/ executed by at least one Teacher Educator as guide/supervisor, will have to be submitted for evaluation.
List of other Internship Activities
I. To observe children and the teaching learning process in a systematic manner (Evidences on Classroom Observation/ Peer Teaching Observation are to be assessed.)
II. To evaluate school textbooks and other resource material critically in the context of children’s development and pedagogic approach used (Evidences on Text Book/ Content Analyses to write down the objectives of lessons and dividing and subdividing the lessons into units and sub-units etc. are to be assessed.)
III. To develop a repertoire of resources which can be used by the intern later in his/her teaching – textbooks, children’s literature, activities and games, excursions (Evidences of developing and preparing learning teaching materials, activities, games etc are to be assessed.)
IV. To reflect critically on practice by visiting a learning centre (Evidences/ Reports of visit to the schools other than the allotted one, if any, are to be assessed.)
V. To experience the school in its totality; activities in addition to classroom teaching, include school activities and interaction with parents. (Evidences/ Reports on the entire system of the allotted school/s are to be assessed.)
VI. To be able to innovate within existing systemic limitations (Evidences/ reports on innovation within existing systemic limitations are to be assessed)
VII. To learn to conduct meaningful classroom activities by careful selection and organization of such activities (Evidences/ Reports of organizing and conducting meaningful classroom activities are to be assessed.)
VIII. To critically reflect on his/her own school experiences and keep records of the same. (Evidences/ Reports of maintenance of performance records are to be assessed.)
The report should have the following parts: (i) Introduction (ii) Description of the Scheme of organization (iii) Execution of the Activity (iv) Process of collection of data/ evidences (v) Uniqueness/ Innovation in the Activity (Vi) Observations of the student-teacher
The following five point scale will be used for evaluation: 1. Excellent 2. Very Good 3. Good 4. Average 5. Below Average
Excellent = 90% and above
Very Good = 80% to less than 90%
Good = 65% to less than 80%
Average = 50% to less than 65%
Below Average = 0 % to less than 50%
“Pass Marks” in the External Evaluation of this Paper/ Subject (School Internship including Practice Teaching (PRACTICUM: P-3) is 50
The Evaluation will have to be conducted in accordance with the Curriculum, Syllabus and Approach of the Two-Year Diploma-in-Elementary Education Course, effective from July-2014 and modified subsequently.
The format of lesson plan, given below, should be followed with reference to 5E model of teaching in all subjects as far as practicable and rational.
The Prescribed Lesson Plan Format
i. Name of the School: ii. Class & Section: iii. Subject: iv. Lesson: v. Units : vi. Today’s Lesson: vii. Number of students: viii. Average Age: Time: ix. Broad Objectives: x. Unit specific Objectives: xi. Teaching Aids:
A. Preparation
Teacher’s Activity
Students’ Behaviour
Time allotted
Expected Confusion/ Answer
B. Announcement of the Day’s Lesson:
C. Presentation
Teacher’s Activity
Students’ Behaviour
Time allotted
Expected Confusion/ Answer
D. (Chalk Board) Summary:
E. Application/ Evaluation
Teacher’s Activity
Students’ Behaviour
Time allotted
Expected Confusion/ Answer
F. Remedial Measures/ Lesson:
Note: Reference & Linking to 5Es or any of the ‘5-Es’: Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate, may be ascertained at all stages
Students shall have to pass separately in both internal and external examinations.
A candidate must have delivered at least ten lessons in each of the four subjects {Language-1, Language-2, Mathematics, Environmental Science (Science, History and geography) during practice in schools. All such delivered lessons shall be documented and kept handy as evidence at the time of external evaluation.
The date or dates for holding such evaluation programme/s should be fixed in consultation with the external evaluator/s, appointed by the Board and be communicated to the examinees through an appropriate notification.