Pre-Internship-Processed-Based Skill Enhancing Teaching will require the student-teachers to practice the selected five teaching skills in small groups under the guidance and counseling of the teacher-educators
West Bengal Board of Primary Education
“Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan”, DK 7/1, Sector – II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091
No. 85/BPE/2015 Date: 09/01/2015
The attention of all concerned is hereby drawn to the following guidelines regarding Pre-Internship-Process Based Teaching Skill Enhancement Programme & The School-based – Activities (P-4)
Pre-Internship-Processed Based Teaching Skill Enhancement Programme
I. Pre-Internship-Processed-Based Skill Enhancing Teaching will require the student-teachers to practice the selected five teaching skills in small groups within the institution under the guidance and counseling of the teacher-educators (group-wise)
II. The entire lot of such students-teachers will be divided into small groups, consisting of 10 members each
III. The teacher-educator will first demonstrate a skill and ask the student – teachers to observe, reflect and critically comment on the presentation
IV. Then, each student will perform on the same skill. While one performs, others will observe, reflect and critically comment on the presentation
V. The process will be repeated in other four skills also
VI. During this process-based-teaching skill-enhancement-activities, the student-teachers will be assessed continuously and comprehensively as per the guidelines, given
VII. For External Evaluation evaluators will be required to evaluate as per the guidelines given by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education
VIII. In all cases and for all practical purposes, evaluation in both internal and external modes must have consistency in quantification
IX. The heads of the D. El. Ed Institutions are requested to arrange for observation of classroom teaching for such student teachers immediately after they have understood and practiced in-house the five skills of processed based teaching. Each group may be asked to note at least five class room teaching actions of the part-II students during the internship in order to identify the micro teaching skills in the delivery of class room lesson without internship ongoing teaching or the process there in.
X. Such observation should be arranged in the month of March when the school based activities will be going on in the schools.
XI. A tentative format for the record of the observations is as under.
Sl./ Lesson No. | Topic/ the lesson/ Activity | Class | Micro skill/s identified (i) | Micro skill/s identified (ii) | Micro Skill/s Identified (iii) | Micro Skill/s Identified (iv) | Remarks |
01 | |||||||
02 | |||||||
03 | |||||||
04 | |||||||
05 | |||||||
The School-based – Activities (P-4)
The school-based-activities (P-4) for the student-teachers will start in the month of January in the first year of the course and go on till March. During this period the learners will go to the selected and allotted schools and interact with the students and management of the schools in terms of the activities, mentioned in our course. The performance of the student-teachers thereon each of the activities will have to be submitted in the second year for internal evaluation only.
1. During the month of January the student teachers will be oriented by the concerned teacher-educators of the Institute in small groups. The number of such groups shall not be less than three for a batch of 50 (fifty) students and six for a batch of 100 students
2. In the month of February the student-teachers shall make in-house demonstration (Group-wise) in mock class room situations under the supervision of the concerned teacher educators.
3. In the month of March they will be allotted activities (at least five) out of the total number of activities in the syllabus, by drawing lots and the schools to demonstrate such selected activities.
4. While one in the group will be performing, others will observe critically with the Teacher Educator, concerned, the Head Teacher/Teacher-in-Charge of the selected school and other teachers with a view to assessing the performances.
Sd/- R.C. Bagchi