School Education, Forms , Madhyamik
Application Form for permission to help of Amanuensis with extra time for sightless/ physically (orthopaedically) challenged candidate of Madhyamik Pariksha (S.E), 2015.
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination), 2015
Application Form for permission to help of Amanuensis with extra time for sightless/ physically (orthopaedically) challenged candidate of Madhyamik Pariksha (S.E), 2015.
Last Date of Submission of Application Form: 31.12.2014
Enclo.: 1) Photocopy of disability certificate
2) Certificate from the Head of the Institution (of which the Amanuensis is a student).
3) One copy of photograph of each of the Candidate and Amanuensis.
4) Photocopy of Registration Certificate of the examinee
Download Application Form EMU/C/36
Application Form for permission for Extra Time for Physically challenged/ Poor Vision /Hearing Impaired/ Orthopaedically indisposed candidate of Madhyamik Pariksha (S.E), 2015.
Last Date of Submission of Application Form: 31.12.2014
Enclo: 1) Photocopy of Registration Certificate
2) Certificate from appropriate authority in support of claim of disability
3) Certificate of Head of the Institution
4) One copy photograph of the examinee