Government of West Bengal
Department of Health & Family Welfare
State Family Welfare Bureau
Swasthya Bhawan
GN 29, Sector V, Salt Lake, Kolkata- 700091
No. H/SFWB/3F-02-2013/1901 Dated: 04.11.2013.
Sub: Facility Based Maternal Care Policy Implementation Committee: Terms of Reference
A High level Task Force was constituted under the chairmanship of Dr. Tridib Banerjee towards facilitation of activities of the Department in reduction of Infant/Maternal Mortality of the state. After having made some substantial improvement in Facility Based newborn Care, it seems necessary to improve the facility based maternal care also. An empowered Committee called ‘Obstetrics mentor Group’ was constituted as per the recommendation of High Level Task Force composed of Faculties from different state-run Medical colleges/ teaching institutions. The OBGMG has started functioning and has already submitted important recommendations.
2. After due consideration of those recommendations, the Department has decided to set up a mechanism named ‘Facility Based Maternal Care Policy Implementation Committee’ [FBMCPIC] for speedy implementation of those recommendations or any other recommendation to be made by the OBGMG in future.
3. Terms of reference of this FBMCPI Committee is annexed herewith.
4. This order is issued with the approval of the highest authority. This order will take immediate effect.
Sd/- Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Terms of Reference: Facility Based Maternal Care Policy Implementation Committee
1. Background/Context
1.1. A High Level Task Force was constituted under the chairmanship of Dr. Tridib Banerjee towards facilitation of activities of the Department in reduction of Infant/Maternal Mortality of the state. After having made some substantial improvement in Facility Based newborn Care, it seems necessary to improve the facility based maternal care also. An empowered Committee called ‘Obstetrics Mentor Group’ was constituted as per the recommendation of High Level Task force. This ‘Obstetrics Mentor Group’ [OBGMG] is composed of Faculties from different state-run Medical colleges/ Teaching institutions.
1.2. The OBGMG has started functioning and has already submitted important recommendations. Some of the high priority recommendations are:
(a) Expansion and improvement of physical infrastructure of labour room complex, ante-natal ward, post-natal ward, emergency room, and other support locations
(b) Provision of all required equipment for safe motherhood
(c) Implementation of standard treatment protocol
1.3. After due consideration of those recommendations, the Deptt has decided to set-up a mechanism named ‘Facility Based Maternal Care Policy Implementation Committee’ [FBMCPIC] for speedy implementation of those recommendations or any other recommendation to be made by the OBGMG in future.
2. Mandate:
The mandate of ‘Facility Based Maternal Care Policy Implementation Committee’ [FBMCPIC] is to “support and assist the Health Department in implementation of the recommendations of OBGMG. The components of this mandate include the following:
2.1. To examine the recommendation of the OBGMG, prioritize them and transform them into policy prescriptions;
2.2. To identify the impending tasks for implementation of those policy prescriptions;
2.3. To develop strategies and roadmap for implementation;
2.4. To mobilize resources necessary for implementation;
2.5. To initiate the actual implementation process as per the roadmap; and
2.6. To monitor the achievement of milestones identified in the roadmap and share periodic progress report thereof with the OBGMG.
3. Scope of Function
3.1. Following shall be included in the scope of function:
3.1.1. To conduct stocktaking exercise of resources (manpower, equipment, and infrastructure) availability across the state with the help of Health Department functionaries or out-sourced consultant agencies;
3.1.2. To conduct need assessment of all stakeholders which would be necessary for proper implementation and sustainability of policy reform issues with the help of Health Department functionaries or out-sourced consultant agencies;
3.1.3. To develop Standard operating procedures with the help of Health Department functionaries or out-sourced consultant agencies;
3.1.4. To communicate the policy reform issues to all stakeholders with the help of Health Department functionaries or out-sourced consultant agencies; and
3.1.5. To conduct impact evaluation study with the help of Health Department functionaries or out-sourced consultant agencies.
3.2. Officers of the Directorate will initiate technical proposal on the basis of resolution of this FBMCPI Committee whereas Officers of the secretariat will issue administrative approvals and financial sanctions in reference to those resolutions.
4. Structure
4.1. The FBMCPI Committee will be in place and will meet regularly until all issues associated with the implementation of the policy have been resolved. All members are appointed for the term till the FBMCPI Committee is in place;
4.2. The FBMCPI Committee will be chaired by the Principal Secretary, Health &FW Department. Meetings will be convened by the Asstt, Director of Health Services (Maternal Health) with the concurrence of the Chairperson;
4.3. The FBMCIC shall be comprised of following other members:
(a) The Commissioner Family Welfare & Secretary H&FW Deptt
(b) Secretary, MS Branch of H&FW Deptt
(c) Director of Health Services, WB & e.o. secretary
(d) Special Secretary, MERT Branch of H&FW Deptt
(e) Jt. Secretary, MERT Branch of H&FW Deptt
(f) Jt. Secretary, MS Branch of H&FW Deptt
(g) State family Welfare Officer & Addl.DHS
(h) Programme Officer-1, NRHM
4.4. The FBMCPI Committee may co-opt any of the relevant or appropriate stakeholders as invitee-member as it deems fit.
5. Working Methods
5.1. The FBMCPI Committee will meet on a regular basis (at least once monthly) on a fixed day/date.
5.2. Members participating via teleconference or videoconference shall be deemed present at meetings
5.3. Agenda material will be circulated electronically to the members of the FBMCIC not later than five working days in advance of the meetings.
5.4. The minutes/ Summary notes/resolution of each FBMCIC meeting will be prepared by the ADHS (Maternal Health) & Member-Convenor and will be circulated on approval of the Chairperson.
5.5. Full copies of the minutes/ Summary notes/resolution, including attachments, will be circulated electronically to the members of the FBMCIC no later than 5 working days following each meeting.
5.6. Highlights and updates from the FBMCPI Committee meetings will be shared broadly and regularly with the stakeholders.
5.7. By agreement of the FBMCPI Committee, out-of-session decisions will be deemed acceptable. Where agreed, all out-of-session decisions will be recorded in the minutes of the next scheduled FBMCPI Committee meeting.
5.8. Administrative-Secretarial support to the FBMCPI Committee will be provided by FBNC Cell.
6. Mode of function:
6. 1. The short term objective of FBMCPI Committee will be improvement of maternal health care services in 31 identified facilities having high delivery load.
6.2. In the 1st phase, 11 such facilities will be covered for which recommendations have been already submitted by OBGMG.
6.3. Initially, the emphasis will be given on up gradation of existing labour room complex of the facilities incorporating additional space as available and new construction if needed at all.
6.4. Based on these recommendations, the MSVP/ Superintendent of the facilities will arrange to prepare plan & estimation for up gradation of infrastructure and will submit the same in due course to the FBMCPI Committee through the Commissioner, Family Welfare.
6.5. The FBMCPI Committee will then identify the source of fund and will arrange to issue Administrative approval and financial sanction order from concerned branch of the department.
6.6. The appropriate executing agency will then under take the related activities. The PO NRHM will monitor the progress of work in regular interval and submit report to FBMCPI Committee.
6.7. The FBMCPI Committee will supervise and monitor the implementation of Protocol formulated by OBGMG for improvement of labour room practices (including manpower, equipments etc.).
6.8. The FBMCPI Committee will supervise and monitor the performance of the facilities at regular interval.
7. Review
The effectiveness and membership of the FBMCPI Committee will be reviewed by the Deptt from time to time.
No. H/SFWB-1901 dated 04.11.2013, Source
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