Fair Price Outlets under PPP for 20 Hospitals: Name of the Organizations who have been qualified on Technical Parameters. The financial bids of the technically qualified bidders will be opened on Friday, November 29, 2013 at 3.00 pm.
No. HF/PPP/21/2012/Pt-III/355 Date: 21.11.2013
Fair Price Outlets under PPP for 20 Hospitals Name of the Organizations who have been qualified on Technical Parameters.
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This is to notify for all concerned that the name of the organizations, who have been qualified on technical parameters for individual hospitals are published herewith. The financial bids (i.e the percentage of discounts offered on MRP) of the technically qualified bidders will be opened on Friday, November 29, 2013 at 3.00 pm. The qualified bidders may like to be present during the opening of the financial bids at the Conference Hall, first floor, Swasthya Bhawan, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 091 as per the time mentioned as under for individual hospitals
In the above context, this is for information that the name of the qualified bidders are liable to be cancelled if any discrepancies are found on subsequent verification of the copy of the documents submitted by the bidders with that of the original documents and/or any information provided by the bidders with that of the actual information. It is also hereby notified that additional information/clarification may be sought for necessary verifications before issuing offer letters to those qualified bidders who will be selected based on discounts offered by them for each of the hospitals as per terms of the scheme.
Sd/- P.K.Lahiri OSD & EO Special Secretary
Fair Price Outlets for SD/SG/RH/Other Hospital under PPP
Sl No
Name of the Hospital
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Name of the organization qualified on technical parameters