
Power cannot be Re-delegated for Medical Reimbursement


Financial Power as delegated by No. 483-F dated 26.05.2016 for sanctioning cost of medical attendance and treatment cannot further be re-delegated.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Medical Cell

No. 1214-F(MED) WB Date 30.12.2016


It has been observed that different administrative department and their sub ordinate offices are redelegating financial power to the level of directorate or any sub-ordinate officer contrary to FD Notification No. 483-F(MED) Dt 26.05.2016 for sanctioning medical reimbursement claim.

2. Now, the Governor is pleased to prescribe that, Financial Power as delegated by Finance Department, Medical Cell vide above mentioned notification number for sanctioning cost of medical attendance and treatment cannot further be re-delegated.

3. Orders already issued by different administrative department re-delegating the financial power to the level of directorate or any sub-ordinate officer for sanctioning of medical reimbursement claim will be invalid or will be deemed to have been withdrawn.

4. Treasury/ PAO will follow FD Notification No. 483-F(MED) Date 26.05.2016 in respect of processing medical reimbursement claim.

By order of the Governor,

Sd/- H K Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 1214-F dated 30.12.2016, Source

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