
Free Diagnostic services under JSSK

Health, 👁️ 248

Guideline for providing free Diagnostic services under JSSK to Pregnant Women (during ANC/INC/PNC period) and Sick Infants attending the OPD, IPD or Emergency of Government Institution.

Government of West Bengal
Department of Health and Family Welfare
State Family Welfare Bureau
Swasthya Bhawan, GN 29, Sector V
Salt Lake Citv, Kolkata 700091

Memo No. H/SFWB/3J-01-2014/2900 Dated: 04.06.2014


Subject: Guideline for providing free Diagnostic services under JSSK to Pregnant Women (during ANC/INC/PNC period) and Sick Infants attending the OPD, IPD or Emergency of Government Institution.

Under JSSK, all pregnant women and sick infants up to 1 year of age attending OPD, IPD or Emergency of Government Institution are provided with free services, free drugs & consumables, free diagnostic services, free blood transfusion, free diet and free transport without having to incur any out of pocket expenditure.

The standard diagnostics tests and norms for providing those standard diagnostic tests under JSSK for pregnant women and sick, infants from the Government Institution are mentioned in the Memorandum no. H/SFWB/3J-01-2014/2409, dated 10.02.2014. But it has come to the notice of the department that some diagnostic tests are also being advised by the attending Medical Officers of different Government institution for pregnant women and sick infants which are not included in the above mentioned standard diagnostic tests.

Now after careful consideration and keeping in the mind that JSSK is an entitlement, the Government has decided that those diagnostic tests which are not included in standard diagnostic tests under JSSK for pregnant women and sick infants but seem to be essential for treatment/ management of pregnant women and sick infants to the attending Medical Officers can be performed under JSSK. The norms for providing such tests will be as follows:-

  1. Government Institution where the tests are done: – The pregnant women and sick infants will get the benefit of such tests without any charge.
  2. Government Institution where the tests are not done but a laboratory under PPP is running there and such tests are done in that Laboratory: – The pregnant women and sick infants will get the benefit of such tests without any charge and the laboratory under PPP will be paid for conducting the tests at existing PPP approved rate from that Government institution on a monthly basis after submission of bills for tests and photocopy of advice for such tests from JSSK fund. If there is no PPP approved rate for such tests, then the rates under RSBY or West Bengal Health Scheme 2008 may be considered.
  3. Government Institution where the tests are not done and though a laboratory under PPP is running there, such tests are not done in the laboratory or no laboratory under PPP is running there at all: – The In Charge of the Government Institution will tie up the local licensed laboratories to provide such tests for pregnant women and sick infants under JSSK. The In Charge of the Government Institution will invite expression of interest from local laboratories in this regard and will empanel the laboratories who will respond to it observing financial procedure. The rate of such tests will be as per approved PPP rate. If there is no PPP approved rate for such tests, then the rates under RSBY or West Bengal Health Scheme 2008 may be considered. The Medical Officers will advise for such tests for pregnant women and sick infants and will issue a requisition slip for such tests in duplicate, of which one will be handed over to the beneficiary and other will be preserved at the office of the In Charge of the Government Institution. The pregnant women and sick infants will attend such empanelled laboratories for the tests and tests will be done there free of cost for the beneficiaries on the submission of requisition. The empanelled laboratories will submit bill monthly along with the requisition copy issued by the Medical Officer to the In Charge of the Government Institution and the laboratories will be reimbursed against the bill from the JSSK fund after cross verification of both copies of requisition and bill by the office of the In Charge of the Government Institution.

The In Charge of the Government Institution will submit a list of such empanelled laboratories to the CMOH of respective district. The CMOHs will then submit the district and facility wise list of empanelled laboratories to the SFWO, West Bengal.

Commissioner (Family Welfare) &
Secretary to Government of West Bengal

No. H/SFWB/2900 dated 04.06.2014, Source

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