On receipt of intimation of release of subsidy in his favour by WBTIDCL to the concerned Gatidhara-Facilitator (dealer), the applicant shall contact the facilitator and get his vehicle registered within 10 (ten) days from the date of release of subsidy.
Government of West Bengal
Transport Department
Paribahan Bhawan
12, R.N. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata – 700 001.
No. 3371-WT/3M-15/2015 Dated, Kolkata, the 24th July, 2017
Whereas a set of guidelines were issued in the form of Resolution of the Gatidhara Scheme by Transport Department vide No. 4001-WT/3M-15/2015 dated 02.11.2015;
And whereas it has been found necessary to further streamline the entire process from selection of beneficiaries to actual endowment of assets creation under the scheme;
Now, therefore, the Governor is pleased to notify that the existing clauses 11, 12, 15, 16 & 17 of the Resolution as mentioned above are substituted with the following clauses with immediate effect:
a) Applicant shall apply for subsidy in proper form with required documents and also apply for Permit of the vehicle to be purchased under the scheme following the procedures as in para 10.
b) On receipt of the provisional sanction-letter for grant of subsidy from WBTIDCL under the scheme the applicant shall contact the facilitator within a week and –
(i) enter into an agreement with any Bank or NBFC (listed under Schedule I), if required, for getting financial assistance to purchase the vehicle;
(ii) deposit part of the project cost as initial down-payment to the Gatidhara-Facilitator (dealer), as mutually agreed.
c) on receipt of intimation of release of subsidy in his favour by WBTIDCL to the concerned Gatidhara-Facilitator (dealer), the applicant shall contact the facilitator and get his vehicle registered within 10 (ten) days from the date of release of subsidy.
d) In case the applicant wants any change of model of vehicle or change of dealer preferred earlier in his application, he may apply for such change to WBTIDCL through STA/RTA concerned before release of subsidy, only if the subsidy amount remains unchanged
a) Any dealer intending to act as ‘Gatidhara Facilitator’ in the State shall apply in the format, given in Annexure-IV, to the RTO of the jurisdiction where she/ he has her/ his dealership.
b) On receipt of certification of authorization in Annexure-V the facilitator shall intimate to the concerned STA/RTA, in the format prescribed at Annexure-IV-A, declaring the details of Bank Account, to which WBTIDCL will finally release subsidy amount sanctioned against the beneficiary in terms of Clause 16 (b), and attesting the signature of the person authorized on their behalf to sign the confirmation letter in terms of sub-clause (f) of this clause.
c) The Gatidhara Facilitator will take necessary action for enrolment of the applicant with the Employment Bank.
d) He will tie up the applicant with the financier (Bank/NBFC) so as to reach an agreement for disbursement of required loan amount for purchasing the vehicle and ensure issue of presanction letter by the financier.
e) He will assist the applicant to submit his application for grant of subsidy under Gatidhara Scheme and also for issuance of permit before STA/RTA under the said scheme.
f) On production of the provisional sanction letter by the applicant (clause 11(b)] the concerned Gatidhara-Facilitator will issue a letter (in the format at Annexure IX) within 2 (two) weeks confirming that the applicant has made initial down-payment to the facilitator (dealer), as already agreed and the financier has agreed to disburse loan as financial assistance in favour of the applicant to purchase the vehicle.
g) On receipt of the subsidy amount sanctioned against any applicant released in favour of the concerned Gatidhara-Facilitator by WBTIDCL, the said facilitator will take immediate actions to effect early delivery of the vehicle against receipt of the amount of the total project cost, which is made available to the dealer partly by the applicant (as down-payment) and the subsidy amount received from WBTIDCL and partly by the financier (as loan amount, if any) and present the same before the concerned Registering Authority for registration within 10 days from the date of release of subsidy.
h) The Gatidhara-Facilitator will inform the registration number of the vehicle in respect of each beneficiary to the concerned STA/RTA and WBTIDCL and deliver the vehicle and related documents to the beneficiary.
i) The Gatidhara-Facilitator may also extend necessary help to the beneficiary to get the permit issued by the STA/RTA, by which the offer-letter was issued, if so required by the beneficiary.
j) The Gatidhara-Facilitator will ensure that the words “With financial support of Government of West Bengal under GATIDHARA SCHEME” are inscribed in blue colour on white band on the rear part of the body of the vehicle on both sides.
k) In case the vehicle is not registered in favour of the beneficiary utilizing the subsidy released under the scheme by WBTIDCL within the stipulated time as mentioned under clause (f) above, the facilitator will refund the subsidy amount to the bank account of WBTIDCL by direct electronic transfer (NEFT/RTGS) within 5 days, failing which the facilitator will be liable to pay interest on the retained subsidy amount charged at the rate, as may be fixed by the State Government, for the period of delay in making the refund.
l) The Gatidhara-Facilitator will not enhance the price of the vehicle quoted at the time of application, unless there is any change in price by the manufacturer or change in rate of tax with due notification.
On receipt of application for issuance of permit and subsidy under the Scheme, as mentioned in clause 11, the STA or RTA, as the case may be, shall:
a) maintain chronologically arranged running serial numbers of the application received under the scheme to fulfill the target set against each to be revised year on year;
b) select eligible beneficiaries after screening the cases rigorously and issue offer-letter for permit, following the provisions of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and Rules made thereunder and orders and restrictions issued in this regard by the Government in the Transport Department from time to time, in favour of the applicant on priority basis within 7 (seven) days after verifying all original documents submitted personally by the applicant before the STA/RTA;
c) issue a letter to the WBTIDCL recommending grant of subsidy under the Scheme with a copy of the offer-letter. The application for subsidy under Gatidhara Scheme is to be sent in original. Copies of such letter will also be endorsed to the dealer and financier concerned for information. For certain category of commercial vehicles requiring no permit for operation in terms of M.V. Act, 1988 and Rules made thereunder, only the application for subsidy under Gatidhara Scheme is to be sent along with recommendation;
d) keep records of the applications so recommended under the Scheme in the format given in Annexure-VI;
e) communicate the decision of rejection of application, if any, with grounds of rejection, to the applicant immediately.
f) on receipt of confirmation letter (in the format at Annexure IX) from the Gatidhara-Facilitator in respect of any beneficiary the STA/RTA may make such enquiry as deemed fit and recommend to WBTIDCL, in the format prescribed at Annexure – X, within a week for release of subsidy against the provisional sanction letter issued by WBTIDCL.
g) keep note of registration and permit of the vehicles registered under the scheme by the beneficiaries recommended by them in records mentioned under clause (c) above..
On receipt of the recommendation from the STA/RTA, the WBTIDCL will examine and process the applications independently for sanction and disbursement of subsidy and will finally sanction/reject the prayer for subsidy under the Scheme.
a) For any sanctionable case the WBTIDCL will issue a ‘provisional sanction-letter’ in the format given in Annexure-VII for the subsidy of appropriate amount allowable under the Scheme to the applicant and keep records in the format given in Annexure-VIII.
b) On receipt of the confirmation letter in the format at Annexure – IX issued by facilitator and duly forwarded by STA/RTA concerned, WBTIDCL will release the subsidy amount against the beneficiaries in favour of the concerned facilitators against their declared bank-account either by ‘Account-payee’ cheques or by direct electronic transfer (NEFT/RTGS), as may be convenient.
c) The WBTIDCL will make necessary entry of every payment of subsidy in the ledger maintained for this account manually or electronically.
d) The WBTIDCL will inform the fact of release of subsidy to the beneficiary and the concerned STA/ RTA and facilitator and Directorate of Employment for information. The dealer will be requested to make delivery of the vehicle as well as to ensure registration and issuance of permit of the vehicle after observing all formalities under law within the stipulated time.
h) The WBTIDCL will communicate the decision of rejection of application for subsidy, if any, with grounds of rejection, to the applicant immediately. Copy of such communication will be endorsed to the STA/ RTA, dealer and the financier concerned for information.
a) The WBTIDCL will keep records of each case.
b) The WBTIDCL will monitor each case and verify that the subsidy amount is utilized by the facilitator for the benefit of the beneficiary in terms of the scheme within stipulated time.
c) The WBTIDCL will also monitor that if the subsidy amount sanctioned against any beneficiary and released to the concerned facilitator is not utilized for the purpose of the scheme within the stipulated time, refund of the subsidy amount is made along with interest by the facilitator in the process mentioned under clause 12 (k).
d) The WBTIDCL will also verify that if the refund of subsidy by facilitator is made beyond the stipulated time, the amount of interest payable by the facilitator, as mentioned under clause (c) above, for the delay in refund is realized.
The State Government in the Transport Department shall exercise overall control in the whole process of implementation of the scheme and shall give such policy directions in this regard as and when considered necessary.”
This order is issued with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide their U.O. No. Group R /2017-2018/0093 dated 11.07.2017.
Ordered that the above-noted modifications of the Resolution issued under No. 3371-WT/3M-15/2015 dated 24.07.2017 by Transport Department be published in the official Gazette and circulated to all concerned.
Sd/- Alapan Bandyopadhyay
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal