
Grant of Special ON DUTY for Higher Secondary Examination, 2022

Higher Secondary Education, , 👁️ 256

West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education is pleased to announce the number of maximum permissible days for which ON DUTY may be allowed to the teachers for performing H.S. Examination 2022 related work.

Vidyasagar Bhavan
9/2, Block- DJ, Sector- II, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 91

No. L/Secy/28/2022 Date: 26/03/2022


Attention: All Heads/ T.I.Cs of all Higher Secondary Institutions.

West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education is pleased to announce the number of maximum permissible days for which “ON DUTY” may be allowed to the teachers for performing H.S. Examination 2022 related work. All head of the institution are requested to grant special “On Duty” for compensatory lead against holidays, if any. In this connection, all Heads of H.S. Institutions. Head Examiners, Examiners and Scrutineers are requested to note the following break up of “ON DUTY”.

1. Head Examiner (Theory Papers): 18 days

a) Meeting with WBCHSE – 1 Day.

b) Receiving of written answer script – 1 Day.

c) Meeting with examiners and distribution of answer script among examiners – 1 Day.

d) Receiving of answer script from examiners – 2 days (for 2 installments).

e) Scrutiny work – 2 days (for 2 installments).

f) Preparation for despatch of marks foils – 2 days (for 2 installments).

g) Submission of marks to the H.S. Council – 2 days (for 2 installments).

h) Lifting of answer scripts from the residence of HEs- 1 day.

i) P.P.S./P.P.R. work – 4 days.

2. Practical Head Examiners Camp: 5 days

a) Meeting with WBCHSE – 1 day.

b) Scrutiny work – 4 days.

Examiners (Theory Papers): 5 days

a) Examiner meeting and receiving of answer scripts from HE – 1 day

b) Submission of answer script – 2 days (for 2 installments).

c) P.P.S. / P.P.R. work – 3 days.

3. Scrutineers: 9 days

a) For Theory Papers – 3 days for scrutiny work.

b) For practical Papers at Camp – 4 days for scrutiny work.

c) P.P.S. / P.P.R. work (for Theory) – 2 days.

4. DAC Members: 15 days

a) All Examination Dates.

b) 2 days for meeting with WBCHSE.

c) 2 days for meeting with Dist. Administration.

5. Council Nominee: 11 days

All Examination Dates.

In case, the Head Examiner, Examiner or Scrutineer is involved in any official duty related to H.S. Examination 2022, on any national or State holiday or on Sundays they may be allowed special on duty against that date.

W.B. Council of H.S. Education

No. L-Secy-28 dated 26.03.2022, Source

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